Using Applescript to Launch and Control FrontRow

I’ve created a crude Applescript for launching and controlling FrontRow. Although you can set the CD & DVD Preferences to open with FrontRow, if you want to automate what FrontRow does using Applescript this is one way to do it.

It uses an Automator workflow to launch FrontRow. To create such a workflow
Open a blank (“Custom”) workflow in Automator.
Click the Record button.
Do this key sequence very slowly to allow FrontRow time to react. You can always adjust the workflow playback speed later.
On the keyboard, hold down the Command key.
Hit the Escape key. Release the Command key and pause. (FrontRow should launch.)
Hold down the Command key again.
Hit the Escape key again.
Stop Automator recording.
Test the workflow. It should launch FrontRow but not exit it. (Hit Esc key to exit FrontRow.)
Save the workflow e.g. “LaunchFrontRow.workflow”
The workflow will not make any sense if you look at it, but it should work.

Next, write an Applescript to run the Automator workflow:

tell application "Automator"
	delay 1
end tell
tell application "System Events"
	keystroke (ASCII character 13) -- keystroke Return key.
end tell
tell application "Automator"
	set filePath to "Users:Username:[YourFilePath]:LaunchFrontRow.workflow"
	open filePath
	delay 3
end tell
tell application "System Events"
	tell process "Automator"
		tell menu bar 1
			click menu bar item "Workflow"'s menu "Workflow"'s menu item "Run"
		end tell
	end tell
end tell
delay 8 -- waiting for FrontRow to launch
tell application "Automator" to quit with saving
tell application "System Events"
Insert code to control FrontRow here.
end tell

If Automator beeps or quits unexpectedly or if FrontRow fails to launch, try lengthening the delays. For a list of FrontRow keyboard shortcuts see:
To start a DVD automatically on insertion, set the “CD’s & DVD’s” preferences in System Preferences to run the Applescript on insertion. Then insert this code in the Applescript where indicated:

	set returnKey to ASCII character 13
	set escapeKey to ASCII character 27
	set leftArrow to ASCII character 28
	set rightArrow to ASCII character 29
	set upArrow to ASCII character 30
	set downArrow to ASCII character 31
	keystroke upArrow
	keystroke upArrow
	keystroke upArrow
	keystroke upArrow
	keystroke upArrow
	keystroke upArrow
	keystroke upArrow
	keystroke returnKey

If the Automator workflow becomes corrupted for some reason, it can be recreated.

Model: MacPro 8-core 3 GHz (2008), 2GB RAM
Browser: Opera/9.50 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; en)
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

I haven’t found what causes the Automator script to keep getting corrupted.

Here’s an easier way to launch front row! This can be run directly as an applescript without using automator at all. Adjust the delay and keystrokes as needed.

set downArrow to ASCII character 31

tell application "System Events"
	key code 53 using command down -- launch front row
	delay 5 -- give front row time to launch, adjust as needed
	tell process "FrontRow"
		-- do whatever keystrokes you want next
		keystroke downArrow
		keystroke downArrow
	end tell
end tell

The script works great but front row will start at whatever location it was stopped in ie itunes folder or movies folder.
How can I get front row to always open in the movies folder?

Well that doesn’t sound too hard. Basically just keystroke a bunch of characters once you are in frontrow to make sure you’re at the beginning menu. Then keystroke a bunch of up-arrows to make sure you’re at the top menu item in the beginning menu. Then from that known position you can count the down arrows and return-key presses you need to do to get to whatever menu item you want…

set downArrow to ASCII character 31
set upArrow to ASCII character 30

tell application "System Events"
	key code 53 using command down -- launch front row
	delay 5 -- give front row time to launch, adjust as needed
	tell process "FrontRow"
		-- this will make sure you are at the beginning menu.
		-- It's the same as keystroking the escape key.
		-- do it as many times as you feel necessary, 5 is just an example number
		repeat 5 times
			key code 53
			delay 0.2
		end repeat
		--  this will make sure you are at the top of the beginning menu
		-- do it as many times as you feel necessary, 5 is just an example number
		repeat 5 times
			keystroke upArrow
			delay 0.2
		end repeat
		-- add here the appropriate keystrokes to get where you want from that known position
	end tell
end tell

What does the escape loop do? I am assuming that when you start front row you are in the main browser window. Is there another possibility? This is the script I used and it worked fine.

set downArrow to ASCII character 31
set upArrow to ASCII character 30
set returnKey to ASCII character 13

tell application "System Events"
	key code 53 using command down -- launch front row
	delay 5 -- give front row time to launch, adjust as needed
	tell process "FrontRow"
		-- this will make sure you are at the beginning menu.
		-- It's the same as keystroking the escape key.
		-- do it as many times as you feel necessary, 5 is just an example number
		--  this will make sure you are at the top of the beginning menu
		-- do it as many times as you feel necessary, 5 is just an example number
		repeat 6 times
			keystroke upArrow
			delay 0.2
		end repeat
		keystroke returnKey
		delay 2 -- add here the appropriate keystrokes to get where you want from that known position
		repeat 6 times
			keystroke upArrow
			delay 0.2
		end repeat
		keystroke downArrow
		keystroke downArrow
		delay 1
		keystroke returnKey
	end tell
end tell

Here is my handler:

on LaunchFrontRow(FrontRowAction)
		tell application "System Events"
			-- Launch FrontRow and wait for its loading
			key code 53 using command down
			delay 2
			if (FrontRowAction = "PlayDVD") then
				tell process "FrontRow"
					repeat 8 times
						keystroke upArrow
						delay 0.2
					end repeat
					keystroke returnKey
				end tell
			end if
		end tell
	end try
end LaunchFrontRow

When I put


only FrontRow opens but there is no any keystroke simulation…

Any ideas of the reason for such behaviour?

The reason was in the definition of keys in body of handler. So the correct one is:

on LaunchFrontRow(FrontRowAction)

	set returnKey to ASCII character 13
	set escapeKey to ASCII character 27
	set leftArrow to ASCII character 28
	set rightArrow to ASCII character 29
	set upArrow to ASCII character 30
	set downArrow to ASCII character 31

		tell application "System Events"
			-- Launch FrontRow and wait for its loading
			key code 53 using command down
			delay 2
			if (FrontRowAction = "PlayDVD") then
				tell process "FrontRow"
					repeat 8 times
						keystroke upArrow
						delay 0.2
					end repeat
					keystroke returnKey
				end tell
			end if
		end tell
	end try
end LaunchFrontRow


wrapping a whole script with a try block while developing is very counterproductive,
because you’ll never get any error message if something goes wrong

Thank you for the advice!


Is there an command/key to simulate the “menu” button for Front Row to go back a screen using AppleScript?
I have all the others working. I thought it may be just the esc key but that quits the app.

