using application dictionary parameters in paparazzi

I’m using paparazzi to take a picture of a web page. I used the record function to create this script.

tell application "Paparazzi!"
	tell application "System Events"
		keystroke return
		delay 10
		keystroke "s" using command down
		keystroke tab
		keystroke "paparimage"
		delay 2
		keystroke tab
		keystroke tab
		key code 125
		keystroke return
		delay 1
		keystroke return
		keystroke "q" using command down
	end tell
end tell

but I’d like to learn how to do this with the dictionary and built in commands.
so far I have this

tell application "Paparazzi!"
	set minsize to {860, 625}
	capture  "" minsize
	save ttbook1 as JPEG in "HD:Users:user:Music:Audio Hijack:paparimage:ttbookedit:"
end tell

The capture worked fine but I’d like to use the optional parameter for min size

capture‚v : Captures an URL.
capture Unicode text : The URL to capture.
[crop size list] : The crop size, as {width, height}.
[delay small real] : Delay between load and capture, in seconds.
[min size list] : The minimum size, as {width, height}.

I also wanted to use save as jpeg but I think my filepath is wrong.
I have searched for information on parameters but I can’t find an example using one.

save‚v : Saves the captured image. Returns true on success.
save [anything] : The image to save. Will use the main window’s image if not specified. (Not yet implemented.)
as JPEG/PDF/PNG/TIFF : The save format.
in alias : Where to save the image.
[icon boolean] : Save a thumbnail icon? (Default false.)
[quality small real] : The save quality from 0.0 to 1.0; only applies to JPEG. Defaults to 1.0.
→ boolean


To my mind the scripting support in Paparazzi is a bit odd, but I think this will do what you want.

tell application "Paparazzi!"
	set minsize to {860, 625}
	set filename to "ttbook1.jpg"
	capture "" min size minsize
	repeat while busy
		-- To wait until the page is loaded.
	end repeat
	save as JPEG in "HD:Users:user:Music:Audio Hijack:paparimage:ttbookedit:" & filename
end tell

Did you look at the example script that (I think) came with the application?

Best wishes

John M

Thanks John,
I added a few modifactions now and it works great. This is the current script

tell application "Paparazzi!"
	set minsize to {859, 625}
	set filename to "ttbookpic1.jpg"
	set iconame to (true)
	capture "" min size minsize
	repeat while busy
		-- To wait until the page is loaded.
	end repeat
	save as JPEG in "Macintosh HD:Users:username:desktop:temp files:" & filename icon iconame
	quit application "Paparazzi!"
end tell

I just have a few more questions. If I would also like to use this file in the next part. What would I do to assign it to a variable so I could pass it on outside of the end tell?
I couldn’t find a sample script in the paparazzi program folder. Is that where it should be?

Moving to Automator from Automator Scriplets

Hi alcatrazp,

I suppose it depends on what you want to do with it. What do you want to do with the file?

John M

I was going to try to use the automator action “propper cropper” to crop the image.

You need to return the full file path as alias.

In the Applescript action there is a line that says “return input”. Replace this with:

return alias "Macintosh HD:Users:username:desktop:temp files:ttbookpic1.jpg"

This will pass the path to the image file to your next action.

John M