Using Properties or Variables, which is right?

I have run into an AppleScriptObjC puzzle.

Both of the following script pieces work and appear to work identically.

global backgroundColor, gridColor, linesColor

property NSAffineTransform : class "NSAffineTransform" 
property NSBezierPath : class "NSBezierPath"
property NSColor : class "NSColor"

script BezierView
	property parent : class "NSView"
	on initWithFrame_(frame)
		continue initWithFrame_(frame)

		set backgroundColor to NSColor's whiteColor
		set gridColor to NSColor's blackColor
		set linesColor to NSColor's redColor

		return me
	end initWithFrame_

property NSAffineTransform : class "NSAffineTransform" 
property NSBezierPath : class "NSBezierPath"
property NSColor : class "NSColor"

script BezierView
	property parent : class "NSView"

	property backgroundColor : NSColor's whiteColor
	property gridColor : NSColor's blackColor
	property linesColor : NSColor's redColor
	on initWithFrame_(frame)
		continue initWithFrame_(frame)
		return me
	end initWithFrame_

Here is the puzzle: “Build and Run” work fine for both scripts, but for the second script, “Complile” in the Build menu generates an error: “Can’t make whiteColor of class “NSColor” into type reference.”

What is the real difference? Is the error an Xcode bug?


I’m surprised the second example runs. Expressions in properties are resolved at compile time, but because your expression involves calling a Cocoa method, it can’t be resolved except at run time. I’d be leery of relying on it.