Using shell script curl to download images within AppleScript

I’m trying to search for and download an image from and I need to somehow authenticate within the script first. The first line of shellscript curl code returns an access token. The next two lines return an error with a bunch of HTML code that says something about an insecure content policy and account doesn’t exist. If I paste just the URL from each of the last two lines, it does search for an image and return a bunch of information in the web browser and it does download an image.

I’m not doing something right with the authenticating. This is the documentation page I’m reading Canto API

I’m going to do more with the code in AppleScript once I can figure out how to authenticate so it will search for and download images from

--Trying to figure out how to authenticate

do shell script "curl --location -g --request POST ' defg123456&app_secret=lmnopqr123456789&grant_type=client_credentials'"



--Example of searching for a SKU number that found several files

set match_files to do shell script "curl --location -g ''"

--Example of downloading a found image

do shell script "curl --location -g ''"

I figured it out. I needed to add " --header 'Authorization: Bearer 8db9e5780acc4d8185e56781230a" to the two Shellscript lines of code. I figured the access token might need to be added somewhere but I wasn’t sure how exactly to write it until I researched it in the Postman app.

Here is the final script:


-- Getting the SKU number


set sku_number to "1234567"


-- Creating lists


--Creating an empty download URL list to add to later on

set download_url_list to {}


-- Searching for files by SKU number


--Example of searching for a SKU number that found several files

set match_files to do shell script "curl --location -g '" & sku_number & "&sortBy=time&sortDirection=descending&limit=100' --header 'Authorization: Bearer 8db9e5780acc4d8185e56781230a'"


-- Adding the download links for each found image to the download list


--Using Applescript's text item delimiters to isolate the download links from the returned list

if match_files contains "\"download\":\"" then

--Calling split by delimiter function at bottom of script to split apart the giant list by what comes before and after the word download:

set list_parts to my delimit_every_text_item((match_files as *string*), "\"download\":\"")

--Looping through the split apart list to isolate only the download link

repeat with an_item in list_parts

if an_item contains "\",\"metadata\"" then

--Using text item delimiters again to get only the information before the word metadata

set poss_download_link to delimit_by_position(an_item, "first", "\",\"metadata\"")

--Adding the possible download link to the download url list if it appears to be a real download link


if *text* 1 thru 5 of poss_download_link contains "https" and poss_download_link contains "api_binary" then

set download_url_list to download_url_list & (poss_download_link & "/directuri" as *string*)

end if

end try

end if

end repeat


-- Downloading each image


--Looping through each download URL

repeat with a_download_url in download_url_list

--Getting the direct URL from Cloudfront (the URL from Canto was not downloading, this fixes that problem)

set direct_URI to do shell script "curl --location -g " & a_download_url & " --header 'Authorization: Bearer 8db9e5780acc4d8185e56781230a'"

--Isolating the filename from the URL

set part_one to delimit_by_position(direct_URI, "last", "filename")

set part_two to delimit_by_position(part_one, "last", "%27")

set the_filename to delimit_by_position(part_two, "first", "&Expires")

--Downloading the image

do shell script "curl " & "'" & direct_URI & "'" & " > ~/Downloads/" & the_filename

end repeat

end if -->end if match_files contain download






--Function to use text item delimiters to isolate a part of the result

on delimit_by_position(the_URL, the_position, the_delimiter)

set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the_delimiter

if the_position contains "first" or the_position contains "beginning" then

set my_item to first *text item* of the_URL


set my_item to last *text item* of the_URL

end if

return my_item

end delimit_by_position



--Function to use text item delimeters to split items into separate lists

on delimit_every_text_item(this_text, search_string)

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string

set the item_list to every *text item* of this_text

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""

return item_list

end delimit_every_text_item
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