how would i iimplement a tab view… would it be like, tab view “asdfsd” of window 1… here is A PORTION of the script, thanks.
on clicked theObject
if the name of theObject is equal to “currentlyplaying” then
tell window “mainWindow”
if the contents of text field “checked” is equal to “yes” then
set the contents of text field “checked” to “no”
else if the contents of text field “checked” is equal to “no” then
set the contents of text field “checked” to “yes”
end if
end tell
end if
if the name of theObject is equal to "addEntry" then
set theDate to (current date) as string
set subject to contents of text field "subject" of window 1
set checked to contents of text field "checked" of window 1
set mood to contents of text field "mood" of window 1
set theEntry to contents of text view "entry" of scroll view "entry2" of window 1