Utility for Quark 6 scripters: QXPScriptingAdditions Patch

Under request from a friend, I ellaborated a patch for the “QXPScriptingAdditions.osax”, installed and required by QuarkXPress 6.
This osax is used internally by Quark, and its only notice when you open it in any script editor, is a note talking about this.
But it uses for this notice a command called NOTE, which conflicts directly with Standard Additions terminology: display dialog “” with icon note. So:

display dialog "" with icon note

will compile as

display dialog "" with icon NOTE

Which will throw an error at run time, since it compiles QXPScriptingAdditions.osax’s NOTE command, instead of the constant “note” icon from StandardAdditions.osax.

This Patch will change the terminology from NOTE to NOTEx, so it doesn’t interfere in your scripting dialog work.

You can get the patch here:
Or here:

  • Please, read caferully the brief documentation and follow the easy instructions included in the patch. This patch is experimental and the effects of the patched osax have been tested in a single machine (with successful results, of course).

Pescados Software

You could also just use “with icon 1” (0 = stop; 1 = note; 2 = caution).
