Verify if email address is still valid using AppleScript and/or shell

Hi, I have a database (which I access to with Database Events) containing well over 1200 email address and was wondering if there was a way to validate each address by running a script or a shell that would result into a “true” or “false” statement that I could fit in the following script:

tell application “Database Events”
database “~/Documents/Databases/base de donnees journaux.dbev”
tell database “base de donnees journaux”
set my_record_list to get name of every record
repeat with this_record in my_record_list
set email_contact to (get value of field “contact” of record this_record)
end try
–verify if email_contact is a valid email address
end repeat
end tell
end tell


verifying an email address without sending a mail e.g by SMTP check is not recommended, because you will be regarded as a spammer.

But if you mean to check if the email address has a valid format, read this or this

There’s a website that performs this service.

I haven’t taken the time to figure out how to paste an email address into its textfield (um, with a script, obviously…).

OK, thank you guys.