In many of the scripts I am currently programming I often have to ensure required disks are mounted.
In order to be more efficient I’ve created a small subroutine which send a message to the operator and in the meantime ensure a command is not executed before the disk gets mounted.
I only have to write a one line statement i.e my VerifyMountedDisk(“the SDHC card”, “VolumeName”) each time I need it.
I am sharing this with you in case someone else wants to do the same.
my VerifyMountedDisk("the SDHC card", "VolumeName")
on VerifyMountedDisk(theMediaInfo, theVolumeName)
set mounteddisks to list disks
repeat until mounteddisks contains theVolumeName
set mounteddisks to list disks
display dialog "Please insert " & theMediaInfo & " in the computer" with icon 1
end repeat
end VerifyMountedDisk