Version Number

Hi Folks,

I try to check the Version Number of an Application (Web’n’walk Manager MacOS, Version 1.4)

tell application "Finder"
	set appname to (path to applications folder as Unicode text) & "Web'n'walk Manager MacOS"
	set version_number to version of appname
	display dialog version_number
end tell


Can´t get version of "Macintosh HD: Applications: Web’n’walk Manager MacOS

But, when I open Finder then I see the Version Number: 1.4…

Any hints why am failing in getting the number?

Thanks for your feedback,


Hi Stefan,
try this:

display dialog (version of application "Web'n'walk Manager MacOS" as string)

Hi Stefan,

is there something you don´t know?

Thanks a lot - works perfect!

Best Regards,


Applications have version numbers, text doesn’t.

Consider this:

-- this makes no sense
version of "Hello, my name is Bosstone, what's your name?"