Very wonky diashow

would be nice to customize Quicklook’s diashow; displaying images via keystroke in fullscreen mode and removing unwandet images as well. i wrote a snipped on the fly, but i don’t know if the idea behind is doable. The script below is not complete.

property img_list : {"jp2", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "tiff", "png", "gif", "pict", "QuickTime Image", "psd", "xcf", "odg", "ptg", "odp", "svg", "xpf", "ppt", "bmp", "tga"}

tell application "Finder" to set x to front window

repeat with i in x
	set pict_file to (i as alias)
	if folder of pict_file is false and name extension of (info for pict_file) is in img_list then tell application "Finder" to select pict_ls
end repeat

--step 1: i'm unable to reproduce the right syntax to go into fullscreen mode!
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "y" using {command down, option down}

--step 2: its possible to show a dialog in fullsceen mode? 
set trash_ls to {}
copy the result of (display dialog name_image & space & "Remove image ?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 1 giving up after 2) to (trash_it)
if trash_it is "Yes" then copy this_f to end of trash_ls

–step 1: try this

property img_list : {"jp2", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "tiff", "png", "gif", "pict", "QuickTime Image", "psd", "xcf", "odg", "ptg", "odp", "svg", "xpf", "ppt", "bmp", "tga"}

tell application "Finder"
	set targetFolder to target of front window
	select (files of targetFolder whose name extension is in img_list)
end tell
tell application "System Events"
	tell process "Finder" to keystroke "y" using {command down, option down}
end tell


Note: the QuickLook call doesn’t work running the script from Script Editor.
You must run it from the script menu