Vienna: setting flag (properties) or move an article how?

Hi all,

I am an absolute newbie to AppleScript, coming from Javascript (just had a quick look at the “AppleScript for Absolute Starters” ebook) so I’m a bit lost atm and the code in here might be too complicated…
Anyway, I managed to get a reference to certain folders/articles in Vienna and now I wanted to move one article to the Trash-folder and/or flag an article (or set other properties like “read” for example.
I managed to “ask” for a certain property like this (“myArticle” is a variable/reference to a certain article):

set myArticle to article myCounter of myFolder
set myTitle to title of myArticle
set myFlag to flag of myArticle
display dialog myTitle & " " & myFlag

which gives an articles title plus “true” or “false”. Then I tried to set the flag-property which gave me an error-message:
command: set flag of article myArticle to true
Error: “Vienna got an error: Can’t make flag of article (article 8 of folder 13) into type reference.”

Almost the same happened when I tried to set “containing folder” to move an article into another folder like this:
command: set containing folder of article myArticle to the folder named “Trash”
Error: “Vienna got an error: Can’t make containing folder of article (article 8 of folder 13) into type reference.”

Does anybdoy know what I’m doing wrong here? Would appreciate any help, thanks muchly.

Hi greenie,

according to the dictionary of Vienna the properties flag and containing folder are read only

Thanks for the info. I guess that’s what the “r/o” stands for. I had a look at the dictionary but didn’t find out what that string means. Too bad, limits the usefulness of AppleScript in Vienna a lot. Damn…
