Visibility of Photoshop layer

Tenderfoot question here…

How does one turn on/off the visibility of the background layer in Photosop CS?
Thanks in advance.

Just open the dictionary, it’s all there:

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
	set visible of layer "background" of document 1 to false
end tell

Thanks-missed it.

Until next time…

Okay This isn’t working for me. I’m using PS CS4 and Maoc OS X 10.5.8

I noticed the above posts were posted years ago so I guess much has chnaged but I need to do exactly that, turn off the background layer’s visibility.

Any ideas?

Above script works by looking for a layer named “background”. If there isn’t a layer by that name, it wont work. Note that it is case sensitive. Photoshop by default names the background layer “Background” not “background”, so this might work:

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
     set visible of layer "Background" of document 1 to false
end tell