Voice synthesizer

i got some synthesizer voice related problems.

problem 1)

say "Hallo, Macscripter community" using "Alex" pitch 70 modulation 20
#say "Hallo, MackScripter, Gemeinschaft" using "Anna" pitch 70 modulation 20

Seems that modulation and pitch works only for voice “Alex”. But I use German and Italian too - both ignore said commands resulting in a relative monotone voice, a bit silly and irritating to hear on the long term.

in fact, the info.plist of Alex is much longer than Anna’s info.plist, located in: /System/Library/Speech/Voices/Alex.SpeechVoice/Contents/
is it possible to customize said info.plist file ? how?

problem 2
“SpeechSynthesisServer” is able to run more voices in the same time - how to prevent this ?
the command:

stopping current speech boolean

.isn’t really helpful, as i want to integrate a wait-loop

For the second problem I suggest this:

say "whatever" using Alex waiting until completion true

Hi Joy,

You probably can use embedded speech commands:


Hi Joy.

An interesting example from info in that link is this:

say "My name is Matthias."
delay 0.5
say "My name is [[inpt PHON]]mAXt1IYIXs[[inpt TEXT]]."

How did they get that text?! I must read it again. Interesting stuff man.

Edited: found the phonemes here:

Edited: had a hurdle adding the url. Now it’s ok.
