Weird Image Events problem


When I process images through Image events the resulting image is stripped of its file type

on processcontactimages(this_item, saveFilePath)
	tell application "Image Events"
		set this_image to open this_item
		tell this_image
			scale to size 600
			save in saveFilePath as TIFF with compression level medium
			close this_image
		end tell
	end tell
end processcontactimages

The info for the processed image is

{name:“4_YYYY_0021DT.JPG”, creation date:date “Wednesday, 03 April 2013 17:02:20”, modification date:date “Wednesday, 03 April 2013 17:02:20”, size:63471, folder:false, alias:false, package folder:false, visible:true, extension hidden:false, name extension:“JPG”, displayed name:“4_YYYY_0021DT.JPG”, default application:alias “Whopper:Applications:Adobe Photoshop CS6:Adobe Photoshop”, kind:“Adobe Photoshop JPEG file”, file type:“”, file creator:“”, type identifier:“public.jpeg”, locked:false, busy status:false, short version:“”, long version:“”}

As you can see the file type is “”

Is the script at fault?


the handler should be save as JPEG

on processcontactimages(this_item, saveFilePath)
	tell application "Image Events"
		set this_image to open this_item
		tell this_image
			scale to size 600
			save in saveFilePath as JPEG with compression level medium
			close this_image
		end tell
	end tell
end processcontactimages

Since types/creators are slowly going away, my personal opinion is they can never be assumed to be correct or even exist any more. You gotta go by UTI, which you have there as type identifier:public.jpeg. It’s totally a step backward IMO but what we gotta deal with nevertheless.

I think you’re being generous – they’re all but gone.