What is a "type real" error? [Excel selection]

I have this nifty script which says it can’t make my spreadsheet into type real.
get sheet “Details”
sheet “Details”
“Can’t make "WCSlave14.xls" into type real.”

What kind of error is type real?

on run
end run

on idle
	tell application "Finder" to set t_file to (duplicate "Macintosh HD:WordCounts.xls" to "Macintosh HD:wcounts" with replacing) as Unicode text
	tell application "Microsoft Excel"
		open t_file
		set oldValue to display alerts
		set display alerts to false
		save workbook "WordCounts.xls" in t_file as Excel9795
		set display alerts to oldValue
		tell application "Microsoft Excel"
			copy range range "A:D" of the active sheet
		end tell
		close workbook "WordCounts.xls"
	end tell
	tell application "Microsoft Excel"
		open "Macintosh HD:wcounts:WCSlave14.xls"
		set oldValue to display alerts
		set display alerts to false
		set cells_toPaste to {"WCSlave14.xls" / (worksheet sheet "Details") / A, D}
		save workbook "WCSlave14.xls"
		set display alerts to oldValue
	end tell
	close workbook
	return 60 * 60 -- one hour, in seconds
end idle

AppleScript is trying to coerce that string into a real number so that it can do the division in your script.

I do not know the problem with your script.

I thought this might help you a little.

According to my AppleScript book a real is a interger with a decimal point.

class of 1 – interger
class of 1.1 – real

hope this helps!


{“WCSlave14.xls”/(worksheet sheet “Details”)/A, D}
is a path to a worksheet called Details.

Being a novice I want to make this my path
But that doesn’t work

Basically I want to select columns A through D on WCSlave.xls and paste the information from earlier in the script. It will need to constantly write-over existing info.

By the way, manually copying and pasting works fine.

I hate errors.

paste range "WCSlave14.xls:Details:A:D"
	"Microsoft Excel got an error: range \"WCSlave14.xls:Details:A:D\" doesn't understand the paste message."

The script

on run
end run

on idle
tell application “Finder” to set t_file to (duplicate “Macintosh HD:WordCounts.xls” to “Macintosh HD:wcounts” with replacing) as Unicode text

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	open t_file
	set oldValue to display alerts
	set display alerts to false
	save workbook "WordCounts.xls" in t_file as Excel9795
	set display alerts to oldValue
	tell application "Microsoft Excel"
		copy range range "A:D" of the active sheet
	end tell
	close workbook "WordCounts.xls"
end tell

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	open "Macintosh HD:wcounts:WCSlave14.xls"
	set oldValue to display alerts
	set display alerts to false
	tell application "Microsoft Excel"
		paste range "WCSlave14.xls:Details:A:D"
		save workbook "WCSlave14.xls"
		set display alerts to oldValue
	end tell
end tell

return 60 * 60 -- one hour, in seconds

end idle