What is wrong with this script?

What’s wrong with this script?

on mouse up theObject event theEvent
   set tempartwork to ("" & (path to application "AtomTunes") & "Contents:Resources:" & "thing.pict") as file specification
   set tempartwork1 to ("Macintosh HD:" & (path to application "AtomTunes") & "Contents:Resources:" & "thing.pict" as string)
       set theposixpath to (POSIX path of tempartwork1)
       do shell script "rm " & theposixpath
   end try
   tell application "iTunes"
       set trackthing to current track
       set theArt to data of artwork 1 of trackthing
   end tell
   set file_reference to (open for access tempartwork with write permission)
       set eof file_reference to 512
       write theArt to file_reference starting at 513
       close access file_reference
   on error err
       close access file_reference
       error err
   end try
   set image of image view "update" of window "artworkWindow" to load image "Update"
   set image of image view "artworkP" of window "artworkWindow" to load image "thing"
end mouse up


You don’t say how the script fails, but the line

set tempartwork1 to ("Macintosh HD:" & (path to application "AtomTunes") & "Contents:Resources:" & "thing.pict" as string)

should perhaps just be

set tempartwork1 to (path to application "AtomTunes" & "Contents:Resources:" & "thing.pict") as string

(since path to application “Atom Tunes” should return the full path, starting with the volume name; I think your code is probably returning “Macintosh HD:Macintosh HD:Applications:AtomTunes.app:Contents:Resources:thing.pict”).

Hey tapman, I e-mailed you this but I’ll post here anyway.

I was interested in what you seemed to be trying to do so I created it in Xcode.
If you want to see the source just let me know.

the path doesn’t seem to be the problem. When i first click the button that tells the artwork to load it does, but when i press it again, it should load a new picture. But it doesn’t.

I haven’t changed the code above

anyone no what’s wrong?


why are you using an “on mouse down” i usually use an “on clicked”

because it’s a custom made button. When i press it down, a down state of the button shows up, and on up the button resets

Hi tapman,

I don’ know a lot about AppleScript Studio, but I don’t think the app knows that you’re writing a file to the Resources folder at run time. I think they need to be entered at compile time.

The other way to show an image in the image view is to use its posix path. For instance, I made a simple Studio app with an image view. The following script is run when the app starts. It creates the PICT file in the current user’s folder and loads it into the image view using the posix path. Remember that you should delete the image when loading new images into the image view.

on awake from nib theObject
set cur_user to (path to “cusr”) as string
tell application “iTunes”
set s to item 1 of (selection)
set a to first artwork of s
set d to data of a
end tell
set file_spec to (cur_user & “iTunesArt1.pict”) as file specification
set ref_num to (open for access file_spec with write permission)
set eof ref_num to 512
write d to ref_num starting at 513
close access ref_num
on error
close access ref_num
beep 2
end try
tell application “Finder”
set file type of file_spec to “PICT”
set creator type of file_spec to “???”
end tell
set file_path to (file_spec as string)
set posix_path to (POSIX path of file_path)
set image of theObject to load image posix_path
end awake from nib

If you allow the user to save the file in your app, then you should convert the PICT to some other file type because this picture is still not perfect I think.


Another thing, instead of using:

path to application “AtomTunes”

try using:

(path to me)

I think this should give you the path to the app that’s running the script (your app).


well it still isn’t working for some reason, thxs for all your support! this has really helped me learn alot about the inner workings of applescript. If there is place where i can read more about terms such as, “eof” and “POSIX” please point me in the direction of it.

for now though, i have the following:

this is my on click the button update scripts:

on updateA()
	set tempartwork to ("" & (path to me) & "Contents:Resources:" & "thing.pict") as file specification
	set tempartwork1 to ("Macintosh HD:" & (path to me) & "Contents:Resources:" & "thing.pict" as string)
		set theposixpath to (POSIX path of tempartwork1)
		do shell script "rm " & theposixpath
	end try
	tell application "iTunes"
		set trackthing to current track
		set theArt to data of artwork 1 of trackthing
	end tell
	set file_reference to (open for access tempartwork with write permission)
		set eof file_reference to 512
		write theArt to file_reference starting at 513
		close access file_reference
	on error err
		close access file_reference
		error err
	end try
	set image of image view "artworkP" of window "artworkWindow" to load image "thing"
end updateA

on mouse up theObject event theEvent
	set image of image view "update" of window "artworkWindow" to load image "Update"
end mouse up

this is my on awake from nib script:

on artwork()
	tell application "iTunes"
		set trackthing to current track
		set theArt to data of artwork 1 of trackthing
	end tell
	set tempartwork to ("" & (path to me) & "Contents:Resources:" & "thing.pict") as file specification
	set file_reference to (open for access tempartwork with write permission)
		set eof file_reference to 512
		write theArt to file_reference starting at 513
		close access file_reference
	on error err
		close access file_reference
		error err
	end try
	set tempartwork1 to (tempartwork as string)
	set theposixpath to (POSIX path of tempartwork1)
	set image of image view "artworkP" of window "artworkWindow" to load image theposixpath
end artwork

on awake from nib theObject
end awake from nib

thxs for help!

never mind, i figured it out, finally
