G’day scripters
I’ve had a request to change my ‘Dial-up Mail Checker’ script to work with Leopard.
Trouble is, Leopard no longer uses the ‘Internet Connect’ to establish a dial-up connection. I’m on broadband now so don’t know what to alter in my old script.
Can anyone make the necessary alterations, or make some suggestions please?
-- Dial-up Mail Checker
-- Version 1.4
-- Not Bloody Copyright
-- By Santa 2006
-- Sunny Land of Oz
-- bec9@tpg.com.au
-- I owe much of the scripting to folks at MacScripters.
-- http://macscripter.net/
-- NOTE : Must be saved as a 'Stay Open' application
-- BUT, you can use any name, it will still work.
-- Rename & save one as a 'run once' App.
-- and one as 'run every X minutes' App.
-- This Application is designed to work with timed or untimed phone calls,
-- but also picks up if you have other active connections, such as broadband.
-- Edit the Application script to set parameters.
-- ======================================
-- Set Mail.app Preferences/General to 'Check for mail manually'. =
-- Set PPP Options to 'Connect Automatically when needed' =
-- if you want to. =
-- ======================================
-- NOTE that if you have the sounds turned off in Mail.app, and
-- have 'DisplayMailMessage' set to 'false' then you'll get no feedback
-- when there's new mail; in fact, this App will seem to be not working.
-- ========= Stuff you can change ================
global interval
-- Set this for time between checking mail.
-- (it's in minutes)
set interval to 10 -- minutes
global DisplayMailMessage
-- Set this to 'false' if you don't want to see
-- the 'New Mail' message, otherwise 'true'.
set DisplayMailMessage to true
global RunJustOnce
-- Set this to 'true' if you want to only check
-- for 'New Mail' once, then Quit, otherwise 'false'.
-- Note that existing connections stay open.
set RunJustOnce to false
global IveGotUntimedCalls
-- This is for the Aussies.
-- This is as read. If you're lucky enough to have untimed
-- phone calls, then set this to 'true'; then it won't hang up
-- after checking your eMail. If you want it to hang up,
-- (if not allready online), then leave as 'false'.
set IveGotUntimedCalls to false
-- ======================================
-- Don't fiddle!
global the_count
global NewMailFlag
global AllReadyOnline
set AllReadyOnline to "FirstRun"
property repeat_time : 60
my mainloop()
on idle
if RunJustOnce then
if NewMailFlag then
my ShowMailWindow()
end if
my QuitQuick()
end if
if the_count = interval or the_count > interval then
my mainloop()
end if
set the_count to the_count + 1
return repeat_time
end idle
on mainloop()
set the_count to 0
if AllReadyOnline is not "IP_AllreadyConnected" then -- Found another connection before, so bypass
tell application "Finder"
tell application "System Events"
tell window 1 of process "Internet Connect"
if exists button "Cancel" then
tell application "Network Utility"
delay 5
end tell
end if
end tell
end tell
end try
if not (exists process "Internet Connect") then
activate application "Network Utility"
my SendWindowToDock()
end if
end try
end tell
-- This will be picked up at each pass, so if user has disconnected, will execute as per settings
if my CheckOnLine() is equal to 8 then
my SendWindowToDock()
set AllReadyOnline to "AllreadyConnected"
if my CheckOnLine() is equal to 1 then
display dialog "Internet Connect appears to be hung." buttons "So, I'll Quit"
my QuitQuick()
end if
if my CheckIPAddress() is not equal to "OffLine" then -- We've found an IP address!
set AllReadyOnline to "IP_AllreadyConnected"
my DisconnectInternetConnect()
my QuitInternetConnect()
if RunJustOnce then
set TagOn to " just the once?"
set TagOn to " every " & interval & " minutes?"
end if
display dialog "It appears that you have an Internet connection other than a dial-up one." & return & return & "You have an IP address of " & my CheckIPAddress() & return & return & "Do you want to use this application to check your mail" & TagOn buttons {"Quit this application", "Yes please"}
if the button returned of the result = "Yes please" then
my GetMail()
my QuitQuick()
end if
end if
tell application "Network Utility"
end tell
my SendWindowToDock()
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Network Utility"
«event netcconn»
set x to 0
repeat until «class RAsb» of «class RSst» of «class ccnf» is equal to 8
delay 0.2
set x to x + 1
if x = 300 then
display dialog "There seems to be a problem." & return & return & "I've waited for a minute, but there's no dial up connection to the server." & return buttons "So, I'll Quit"
my QuitQuick()
end if
end repeat
set AllReadyOnline to "HadToConnect"
end try
end tell
end tell
end if
end if
my GetMail()
if IveGotUntimedCalls is false and AllReadyOnline is "HadToConnect" then
my DisconnectInternetConnect()
if RunJustOnce then my QuitInternetConnect()
end if
end mainloop
-- ======= Sub-Routines =============
on GetMail()
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists process "Mail") then
tell application "Mail"
set visible of windows to false
end tell
end if
end tell
tell application "Mail"
set ExistingUnread to unread count of inbox
set ExistingOutbox to count of messages in outbox
check for new mail
delay 0.2
repeat until background activity count = 0
delay 0.1
end repeat
set NewUnread to (unread count of inbox) - ExistingUnread
set NewMailFlag to NewUnread > 0
set NewOutbox to count of messages in outbox
set SentOutbox to ExistingOutbox - NewOutbox
end tell
if ExistingUnread = 0 then
set OldDisplayString to "no old unread ones."
if ExistingUnread = 1 then
set OldDisplayString to "one older unread one."
set OldDisplayString to ExistingUnread & " older unread ones."
end if
end if
set SentString to ""
if SentOutbox = 1 then set SentString to return & return & "One eMail was sent"
if SentOutbox > 1 then set SentString to return & return & SentOutbox & " eMails were sent."
if NewUnread > 0 then
if NewUnread = 1 then
set NewDisplayString to "eMail, and "
set NewDisplayString to "eMails, and "
end if
if DisplayMailMessage then
tell application GetMyName()
display dialog "You have " & NewUnread & " new " & NewDisplayString & OldDisplayString & SentString buttons {"Stop this window", "Continue checking", "I'll read mail please"} with icon note giving up after interval * 60
end tell
set ButtonReturned to the button returned of the result
if ButtonReturned is "I'll read mail please" then
if ButtonReturned is "Stop this window" then set DisplayMailMessage to false
end if
end if
end if
end GetMail
on ShowMailWindow()
activate application "Mail"
tell application "Mail"
set IsVisible to visible of window 1
if IsVisible is false then
my ShowWindow()
end if
on error
my ShowWindow()
end try
end tell
end ShowMailWindow
on ShowWindow()
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Mail" to tell menu bar 1 to tell menu bar item 3 to tell menu 1 to tell menu item 2
end tell
end ShowWindow
on SendWindowToDock()
tell application "System Events"
if exists application "Network Utility" then
repeat with btn in (buttons of (get window 1 of application process "Internet Connect" of application "System Events"))
if value of attribute "AXSubrole" of btn is "AXMinimizeButton" then
perform action "AXPress" of btn
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
end try
end tell
end SendWindowToDock
on CheckOnLine()
tell application "Network Utility"
-- Are we already online? Should be 8 if yes.
set temp to «class RAsb» of «class RSst» of «class ccnf»
on error
set temp to 1
end try
end tell
return temp
end CheckOnLine
on CheckIPAddress()
do shell script "curl http://checkip.dyndns.org/ | grep 'Current IP Address' | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \\< -f 1"
if result = "" then
return "Offline"
return (characters 2 through -1 of result) as text
end if
end CheckIPAddress
on DisconnectInternetConnect() -- We're gonna disconnect!
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists process "Internet Connect") then
tell application "Network Utility"
my SendWindowToDock()
end tell
end if
tell application "Network Utility"
«event netcdcon»
end tell
end tell
end DisconnectInternetConnect
on QuitInternetConnect()
tell application "Finder"
tell application "Network Utility"
end tell
end tell
end QuitInternetConnect
-- Use this so the App can be any name.
on QuitQuick()
tell application "System Events"
try -- Should stop the application with no dialogs and no items saved.
do shell script "kill -9 " & (unix id of processes whose name is my GetMyName())
end try
end tell
end QuitQuick
on GetMyName()
set temp to (name of (info for (path to me)))
set temp2 to replace_chars(temp, ".app", "")
return temp2
end GetMyName
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
set StoreDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to StoreDelimiters
return this_text
end replace_chars