I’ve got this applescript that copies a layer set. Real short and simple.
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
tell the current document
duplicate (layer set "Goods Image" of layer set "Script Items") to before layer set "Header Elements" with properties {name:"G200"}
end tell
end tell
Running it from Script Debugger, Photoshop successfully performs the specified action and reports back to Script Degbugger that it’s done in 3.4 seconds.
Then Photoshop goes crazy for about two minutes.
The cursor constantly flashes between crosshairs and an arrow, any user actions happen with a huge delay, it’s basically unusable for about two minutes. Then it just clears up and it’s fine again.
This is Photoshop CS6. The layer set I’m moving only has two sublayer sets, each of which has one blank text field, so there’s very little there.
This is really annoying. The action is not useful if it makes Photoshop unusable for two minutes, it can be done manually faster including the “Go Crazy” time.
Any thoughts?