What to do with Filemaker file references?


I’m trying to move some files that are referenced in Filemaker Pro container fields.

The references look like:

file://Macintosh HD/Users/joe/Desktop/Picture 1.png

I’ve used POSIX paths before, but not with the “file://” prefix.

Can I move a file in an Applescript using the reference in its current form or do I have to do some text delimiter stuff to knock out the file prefix?



Hi jon,

I would use code as follows to convert the FileMaker file reference for use in an AppleScript:

set filemakerpath to "file://Macintosh HD/Users/joe/Desktop/Picture 1.png"
-- strip 'file://', add '/Volumes/' to create a Posix path
set posixpath to ("/Volumes" & ((characters 7 through -1 of filemakerpath) as Unicode text))
-- converting to a Mac alias
set filealias to (POSIX file posixpath) as alias

Once I realized your three lines of code couldn’t work inside a tell application “Finder”, it worked like a charm.

Many thanks.
