I have the error message “Unable to create graphic box” when I run
set CursorLoc to object reference of selection -- selection is an insertion point at the beginning of paragraph p of current box
tell current box of current page
set NewBox to make new graphic box at CursorLoc with properties {bounds:({10, 0, 20, 46}), color:null, frame:{color:"noir", style:solid, width:"1 pt"}, runaround:none runaround}
set box shape of NewBox to polygonal
end tell
The picture is created when replacing CursorLoc with beginning.
What’s wrong ? How can I put the box at the insertion point ?
Is there some sort of reason you’ve created three threads for what appears to be the same problem you’re trying to solve?
Also, it really helps, if you’re creating a new thread, to note what program you’re trying to script. I know that it’s QuarkXPress, but it isn’t really obvious.
The last I checked you could not creat an inline box in Quark, so your make statment won’t work. To get around this you will need to create the box, select it, cut (copy) it to the clip board and paste it into the insertion point. While doing this you MUST switch your selection tool to the appropriate mode for each step along the way. It can be a bit tricky and hard to trouble shoot, but it is possible to do.