When saving PDF name is cut short

Hi everyone,

another PDF/Acrobat-related problem. When trying to save a PDF with a long filename, the filename is always cut after 29 digits and a “#0” is attached, for example, the proper filename was supposed to be

PD 18 322-11 Fügen_von_PLEXIGLAS®_in_Deutsch.pdf

What’s happening is

PD 18 322-11 Fügen_von_PLEXIG#0

The script:

tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
	open ":Volumes:CI:CI Drees Design:¢ SKRIPTDATEN ¢:PD"
	do script theJava
	save active doc to file saveOrdner
end tell

As you can tell, nothing fancy here. A PDF is opened, some information is filled in by way of JavaScript and the file is saved under in a different name in a different location, resulting in the abbreviated version shown above. Any ideas on why this is happening and how I could get around it? Is it an AppleScript limitation or could Acrobat be the culprit? Actually I presume the problem is probably, as per usual, in front of the computer…:slight_smile:

As always, any help or suggestion is appreciated.

Greetz from Germany,

If you save your PDF manually without using the script, do you get the same result?

The volume is mounted on your mac as AFP or SMB?

First, I don’t think your script will work because “:Volumes:CI:CI Drees Design:¢ SKRIPTDATEN ¢:PD” is not a valid path… so Acrobat won’t be able to open it. Colon delimited paths always start with the name of your hard drive which I don’t see here.

But assuming your script will work somehow, you can use a “work-around” if you can’t solve your issue directly in application “Adobe Acrobat Pro”. You could use a short name in Acrobat, and then use the Finder to rename that file after its saved with the long name. I don’t believe you’ll have the “too many characters” issue with the Finder.

set saveFolder to "Macintosh HD:wherever:"
set shortName to "a.pdf" -- note we use "a.pdf" as a temporary name
set longName to "PD 18 322-11 Fügen_von_PLEXIGLAS®_in_Deutsch.pdf"

tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
   open file "Macintosh HD:Volumes:CI:CI Drees Design:¢ SKRIPTDATEN ¢:PD"
   do script theJava
   save active doc to file (saveFolder & shortName)
   close active doc
end tell

tell application "Finder"
   set name of file (saveFolder & shortName) to longName
end tell

tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
   open file (saveFolder & longName)
end tell

thanks for the replys, let me step through them:

No, this works just fine.

It’s an AFP mounted volume.

Oh, the path works. Since it’s addressing a mounted network volume, having it start with the hard drive wouldn’t make sense in this scenario I suppose.

Awesome suggestion, I’m going to do this until I’m able to resolve the issue directly…or just stay with it, if a nonworkaround-solution doesn’t seem possible.

Thanks for the fast input everyone.
@sbriss: I hope, you can work with the infos I gave, I’m looking forward to hearing from you…or anyone else, for that matter. :slight_smile: Until then: workaround it is.

Hallo Konrad,

seems to be an issue of afp not AS or JS (version?)

If you like to, then post you’re request at hilfdirselbst.ch/foren under MacSoftware
You’ll get advanced help, I’m sure :slight_smile:

Have a nice day


P.S. Ich glaube auch nicht, dass Dein open-Befehl mit dem angegeben Pfad funktionieren kann, aber Wunder gibt es immer wieder … :wink: