when i do this:
display dialog "Hello my name is ACA, what is your name?" default answer "" buttons ["Enter", "Sorry I have to go"]
set Name1 to text returned of the result
if button returned of result is "Sorry I have to go" then
display dialog "Aauuu, that's sad where do you have to go?" default answer "" buttons ["I don't really want to", "Well I sort of want to"]
set Button1 to text returned of the result
if button returned of result is "I don't really want to" then
display dialog "" & Button1 & "hm, I guess you have to.. well bye" buttons ["Yeah Bye(Cancel)"]
display dialog "I would go there too.. Well have a good time!" buttons ["Yeah bye(Cancel)"]
end if
display dialog "Hmm nice Name!" & Name1 & " it really rolls off your tongue"
end if
it gives me the error :
žbutton returned of “”" can’t be read
any help?