Why is this script not working?

Hi. So I’m new to applescript , and i’m trying to do script that opens text edit, you can choose if you want to write today date or today time, and after that it has to change text size. But i get Syntax error. Could you help me?

tell application “TextEdit” to open
set question to display dialog “Ką norite sužinoti?” buttons {“Datą”, “Laiką”} default button 2
set answer to button returned of question

if answer is equal to “Datą” then
set the the text of the front document to current date default button 2
end if

if answer is equal to “No” then
set the the text of the front document to current time default button 2
end if
set the size of the text of the front document to “150”
end tell

Errors are so numerous that I can’t list them.
Here is a version - far from optimized - doing the job.

# CAUTION, a TextEdit document MUST be open 

tell application "TextEdit"
	--make new document
	set question to display dialog "Ką norite sužinoti?" buttons {"Datą", "Laiką"} default button 2
	set answer to button returned of question
	if answer is equal to "Datą" then
		tell me to set currentDate to (current date) as text
		set the the text of the front document to currentDate --default button 2
	end if
	if answer is equal to "Laiką" then # You tested upon "No" but there is no such button
		tell me to set currentTime to time string of (current date)
		set the the text of the front document to currentTime --default button 2
	end if
	set the size of the text of the front document to 150
end tell

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 12 octobre 2017 21:11:59


Thanks for the feedback.

Here is a refined version.

set question to display dialog "Ką norite sužinoti?" buttons {"Datą", "Laiką"} default button 2
if button returned of question is "Datą" then
	-- set theText to (current date) as text
	set theText to date string of (current date) # Maybe it's what you really need
	set theText to time string of (current date)
end if

tell application "TextEdit"
	# If there is no window available, create a new document
	if (count windows) = 0 then make new document
	tell document 1
		set its text to theText
		set size of its text to 150
	end tell
	set bounds of window 1 to {0, 23, 930, 520}
end tell

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 14 octobre 2017 19:23:50