Word search for special characters like bullets

I’m trying to make a few simple Find & Replace scripts but they don’t seem to work to well. I need to search for bullets (option-8) and it only seems to work sometimes strangely. The script I’m using is:

tell application "Microsoft Word"
set findRange to find object of selection
tell findRange
execute find find text "●^t" replace with "" replace replace all
execute find find text "● " replace with "" replace replace all
end tell
end tell

Is there some ascii code or something for bullets? Thanks in advance for your help,


If you are running MacOs X 10.5.x, don’t speak of ASCII which is “dead”.
Speak of Unicode.
The Unicode character named BULLET is coded $2022.
Alas, Word is well known to be far from applying the official standards.
As Microsoft products are not allowed to enter my Home, I don’t know if they use the official code.

Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE vendredi 24 avril 2009 15:09:10)