I have outlineView with two fields - string, and boolean. I try to inject data into outlineView, but I do something wrong and it doesn’t work well.
In example from Apple and documentation, I understand, that outlineView_child_ofItem_ find data for row of index and in outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem_ i should have data from return of outlineView_child_ofItem_ in the variable item, but I have
. I tried to work around this, but it doesn’t work well. I have problem too with
log item's numberOfChildren()
. It doesn’t work, why ?? Could someone help me ?? Thx in advance.
on awakeFromNib()
set dataSource to NSMutableArray's alloc()'s init()
set theDataString to {{someString:"ghjk", theState:1}, {someString:"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", theState:1}, {someString:"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", theState:0}, {someString:"War and Peace", theState:0}}
dataSource's addObjectsFromArray_(theDataString)
aTableView's reloadData()
end awakeFromNib
on outlineView_child_ofItem_(aTableView,index,item)
if (item is equal to null) then
return "s"
log index
set lista to dataSource's objectAtIndex_(index)
log lista
return dataSource's objectAtIndex_(index)
end if
end outlineView_child_ofItem_
on outlineView_isItemExpandable_(aTableView, item)
if (item is null) then
return 1
return 0
end if
end outlineView_isItemExpandable_
on outlineView_numberOfChildrenOfItem_(aTableView, item)
if item is missing value then
return 1
-- log item's numberOfChildren()
return 4
end if
end outlineView_numberOfChildrenOfItem_
on outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem_(aTableView, tableColumn, item)
set ident to tableColumn's identifier as string
log ident
log item
if (item is null) then
return "/"
else if (ident is "someString") then
return someString of lista
return theState of lista
end if
end outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem_