workflow possible? - rename file - with preview and dialog box


i would like implement the following workflow with applescript and (maybe) hazel:

*** I’ve already implemented ! ****

  • File is scanned as a pdf in a predefined ( by hazel monitored ) input folder.
  • Hazel searched the pdf for a date and various keywords
  • if Hazel found a date and a keyword, hazel rename and move the file to a corresponding directory - with filename : " YYYY -MM- DD_keyword "
  • if Hazel found only a date and no keywor, the file is moved and renamed ( " YYYY -MM- DD_ ##) in a further input folder.
  • This folder is also monitored by hazel , which then should run an applescript :

*** Now I 'm stuck ! ***

  • the applescript should now open the pdf-file a preview
  • now opne a dialog box with the current file name (" YYYY -MM- DD_ ##)
  • The file name is then edited manually
  • The file is moved manually or automatically into another directory ( hazel )

Is such a workflow possible?

Thank you