write to file is adding mysterious characters

Take a look at this text below:


(text missing)

Copy and paste it into a text document and try and delete the characters singly. There is something invisible in between each character. You have to hit the delete key 2x to delete each character.

This is how I made this text above, using this part of a script

repeat with eachFile in picList
	set myData to (read eachFile as text using delimiter return)
	set howMany to count of items in myData
	set fileName to name of (info for eachFile)
		copy (open for access file (watchedFolder & "pOS.txt") with write permission) to fileRef
		repeat with i from 1 to howMany
			write (item i of myData & "," & fileName & return) to fileRef
		end repeat
		close access fileRef
	on error
		close access fileRef
	end try
end repeat

Only I can’t figure out where the extra character is coming from. If I run the script with event log on, I can copy the text from the part of the event log where the instruction says

	write "fdb-2005-12-30-a-001.pdf,fdb_20051230_A16_1-16.pdf, [11]: OK,Report_2006_01_03_22_37.txt" to 179

and there are no extra characters

I have to get rid of them, they are wrecking everything. What are they, and where are they coming from?

Holy crap… I can’t even paste the text into a message. There is something after each character (obviously after that first “f”) that made all the text after it disappear.
Somebody help me… I’m going to jump off the roof

You’re writing out Unicode text as UTF16 data. The ‘write’ command’s behaviour changed in 10.4; if you pass it Unicode text it’ll automatically write it to file as Unicode text if you don’t specify a type in its ‘as’ parameter. In 10.3 and earlier, if you passed Unicode text to ‘write’ and didn’t provide an ‘as’ parameter, it’d [try to] coerce it to string and write that. The new behaviour is more intelligent; however, it does cause compatibility issues with older laissez-faire code and catches out folk who don’t know about Unicode. The solution, not surprisingly, is always to specify how you want text data written (UTF8 is a common choice when working with Unicode text). See this recent thread for more information:


There are days when I wonder what the h*ll I think I’m doing here…

Thank you both for the “as string”. I’ve followed the links provided, done some required research and I will store this away in my brain, enfeebled as it may be :rolleyes: