Writing iTunes Artwork to File = Image Data Dumped to Event Log

I am working on a script to manipulate iTunes album art work and got to the point where I was able to write art work as files to a directory. I was then puzzled to find that my script seemed to be getting hung up and not ending, even though it was only writing out art work for 2 tracks and I could see that the files were being generated correctly.

I soon observed that the script was writing the raw data of the image files to the event logger window, and these were fairly big images (~2.5 MB) so it was taking upwards of 5 minutes for all of the data to be written to the window and the script to finish. When I closed the event log windows the script completed in just a few seconds.

Here is the line in my script that refers to the image raw data:

tell application id "com.apple.iTunes" to write (get raw data of _albumArt) to file_reference starting at 0

Is there any way of suppressing the image data being logged without turning off logging all together?

I suppose I could do my testing with very small files…:rolleyes:
