ok this is probably a really dumb question but my application is dumping a file into a text view then after the user edits it dumps it back out to the file…
the file is an admin file for a cvs repository so therefore is unix based…
my problems arise when i attempt to open the file for writing i get a duplicate file name error…
set l_file to open for access l_fName with write permission
and then when i remove the file and start from scratch when i write to my new file i seem to get a unicode output which i have no idea how to convert to the desired format…
write l_contents to l_file
does anybody have any solutions??
December 12, 2002, 2:07pm
ok this is probably a really dumb question but my application is dumping a file into a text view then after the user edits it dumps it back out to the file…
the file is an admin file for a cvs repository so therefore is unix based…
my problems arise when i attempt to open the file for writing i get a duplicate file name error…
set l_file to open for access l_fName with write permission
It’s rough trying to determine what might be going wrong without seeing more of the code. Does the script ever close the file?
i close the file directly after writing…
here is the entire function
– g_cvsignore is a posix style path
on saveFile(theObject)
set l_toSave to contents of text view “txt_text” of scroll view “txt_text” of window of theObject
set g_cvsignore to (POSIX file g_cvsignore)
set l_file to open for access (g_cvsignore as text) with write permission
set eof of l_file to 0
write (l_toSave as string) to l_file
close access l_file
set visible of window of theObject to false
end saveFile
December 12, 2002, 4:13pm
As near as I can tell, you are trying to open a string for access (g_cvsignore as text). What happens if you change this line:
set l_file to open for access (g_cvsignore as text) with write permission
To this?
set l_file to open for access file (g_cvsignore as text) with write permission
yeah, i feel a bit stupid after that…
it’s working perfectly now…
rob, you da man…
December 12, 2002, 4:41pm
Nah, not stupid at all. It’s easy to overlook little things like that when you stare at the code for too long and frustration sets in. :shock:
Glad it helped to have some fresh eyes.