X-commands PPC <---???

I am looking at extra scripts for their mouse click and its code is

tell application "Finder" to activate

tell application "X-Commands PPC"
	click mouse with double click --and option
	--click mouse with control
end tell

but on run tells me to choose the program X-commands, what is that i dont know, do i need to download it?

Help pls.


X-Commands is an application that you need to have on your drive to run scripts that are calling for it. If you downloaded the package you should have the application.

FYI : X-Commands is an older version of David LLoyd’s software, the latest version is named Extra Suites, go to http://www.kanzu.com/ and download the package. It has several sample scripts that will help you out.

“X-Commands PPC” was the old name for Extra Suites. Either change the name in your script from “X-Commands PPC” to “Extra Suites” or, when it asks you to locate “X-Commands PPC” simply choose Extra Suites from the list of applications.


Doh, Greg’s too quick. Never have a face-off against a Texan.
