Xcode 2 not compiling scripts read-only?

When I try to build a project in deployment mode, Xcode always changes the build settings back to development. This is not only annoying, but this means that it won’t compile read-only scripts. I was able to turn of ZeroLink in deployment mode to fix the problem of the app not running on other computers, but I can’t seem to find the option to compile read=only. Has anyone else had similar troubles?

I don’t have any problems here. You might try cleaning before you build (Build menu, Clean).

Doesn’t help, the popup menu for build style changes literally when I’m not looking.

Does anyone know the manual way to set a script to compile read only in Xcode?

That did the trick for me.

I had this problem that Xcode didn’t compile the applescript when I did set “MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.2”, until I added above flag.