Xcode 4 release date?

I just wanted to know when Xcode 4 is released to the public. I know that it is released to Mac developers, but when to the public?

I’ve been wondering the same thing… there is no official announcement yet, but I suppose that after the registered app developers will have played with it for a while, then it will be released.

I’m wondering if it will still support ASOC? I sure hope so!

BTW, Dylan, in your signature you say “I barley help”, unless you mean the cereal, I suggest a small fix! :wink:

I’m wondering if it will really play nicely with Snow Leopard or we have to wait till Lion.
I would think that ASOC is still supported given they just changed that last time around (10.6) and really there are no replacements for certain aspects of AS (in my opinion). Entire companies (like the one I work for) rely on Applescript A LOT. Cocoa can do a lot of it the internals of most scripts, but talking to other applications (in a safe way) is the lynchpin in AS. Break that, and half of all professional Mac upgrades are gonna stop.
But I would also be ready for some minor changes to ASOC under Lion. Like maybe they fix the Date issues.

And arrange for ASOC classes to be subclassed. :slight_smile:

What date issues?

I want the problems with specifiers fixed…