Xmail not working with my script

I am able to use Xmail when testing as a script by itself:

	send mail to {"user@domain.com", "user2@domain.com"} from "me@mydomain.com" subject "New pictures added" body "blabla" SMTP server "smpt.mailserver.com" extra headers {{"reply-to", "nobody@mac.com"}}

But when I try to integrate it with my ftp script, it won’t send mail.

(* FTPupload is an Action Folder script to silently upload to an FTP server the files/folders added to a folder. It requires NcFTP, a free program you can download here: <http://www.ncftp.com/download/>. I decided to use NcFTP instead of the built-in FTP command, because NcFTP can upload whole folders. You have to set your personal FTP parameters at the top of the script. *)

-- Author: Fabrizio Costantini thefabmac@users.sourceforge.net

property theUserid : "myusername"
property thePassword : "mypass"
property theServer : "[url=ftp://ftp.domain.com]ftp.domain.com[/url]" -- e.g. "[url=ftp://ftp.apple.com]ftp.apple.com[/url]"
property theRemotePath : "/public_html/bla" -- mandatory: use "/" for root directory

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
	tell application "Finder"
		set thePath to quoted form of POSIX path of (this_folder as alias)
		set theFiles to ""
		repeat with theItem in these_items
			set theFiles to theFiles & "\"" & (name of theItem as text) & "\" "
		end repeat
		do shell script "cd " & thePath & "; ncftpput -R -u " & theUserid & " -p " & thePassword & " " & theServer & " " & theRemotePath & " " & theFiles
	end tell
	send mail to {"user@domain.com", "user2@domain.com"} from "me@mydomain.com" subject "New pictures added" body "blabla" SMTP server "smpt.mailserver.com" extra headers {{"reply-to", "nobody@mac.com"}}
end adding folder items to

I hope an expert out there can tell me what I am doing wrong.


What’s the behaviour if you debug a bit?:

on ...
tell app (path to frontmost application as text) to display dialog "going to send email..."
send mail...
on error msg
tell app (path to frontmost application as text) to display dialog "ERROR:"&return&return&msg
tell app (path to frontmost application as text) to display dialog "email sent..."

I’m pretty noob when it comes to this, so let me show you how I added your debug info to be sure I did it correctly:

property theUserid : "myusername"
property thePassword : "mypass"
property theServer : "[url=ftp://ftp.domain.com]ftp.domain.com[/url]" -- e.g. "[url=ftp://ftp.apple.com]ftp.apple.com[/url]"
property theRemotePath : "/public_html/bla" -- mandatory: use "/" for root directory

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
	tell application (path to frontmost application as text) to display dialog "going to send email..."
	tell application "Finder"
		set thePath to quoted form of POSIX path of (this_folder as alias)
		set theFiles to ""
		repeat with theItem in these_items
			set theFiles to theFiles & "\"" & (name of theItem as text) & "\" "
		end repeat
		do shell script "cd " & thePath & "; ncftpput -R -u " & theUserid & " -p " & thePassword & " " & theServer & " " & theRemotePath & " " & theFiles
	end tell
   send mail to {"user@domain.com", "user2@domain.com"} from "me@mydomain.com" subject "New pictures added" body "blabla" SMTP server "smpt.mailserver.com" extra headers {{"reply-to", "nobody@mac.com"}}	on error msg
		tell application (path to frontmost application as text) to display dialog "ERROR:" & return & return & msg
	end try
	tell application (path to frontmost application as text) to display dialog "email sent..."
end adding folder items to

When the folder action runs, I get the following popup message:

<> doesn’t understand the <>

I searched google for ‘MISuMISd’ but couldn’t find a darn thing.

Thanks for reading,

“MlSuMlSd” is “send mail” in raw form (search for it at Osaxen.com, and note it contains two lowercase L).

Seems as if XMail was not installed or recognized at run time. What’s your XMail version / OS X version / processor?

OSX 10.4.8
Xmail 3.5
PPC 1.42Ghz mini


Hmmm… No idea. I’ve tested and it works here:
-Where did you install XMail?
-What does it happen if you save and run a plain “send mail” as application? (try both as “application” and “application bundle”)

I would try later uninstalling XMail, restarting, then installing a fresh copy and trying again.

If it doesn’t work, I would try passing a report to the author, just in case it’s a know issue fixed in the incoming version 3.7…