Yet another question from yet another newbie.

Hey, It’s me again. Yes, I’m only thirteen, so I’ve been having some trouble.

display dialog "this message will destroy your hard disk in 2 seconds if you don't press ok." giving up after 2--> {button returned:"OK", gave up:false}

you can probably see by looking the this script what I want it to do.
I’m basicly trying to pull a prank on my mom. When she opens up safari, I was hoping to get this message to pop up. So, if she doesn’t press the button on time, I was hoping to get a black screen that says “Your hard disk has unexpectedly corrupted”
To get that black screen, I’m assuming I’ll have to create a .jpg of a black screen.
If I make the script on MY account (on my laptop) would it be able to work on her account? I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be able to work. but I know her password. so maybe there’s a script that would log on at the same time, or something rather, but if it’s not possible, I’ll just log in to her account and paste the script so script editor there.

thanks in advanced!

is this even possible?

It’s possible, but not too nice.

Hey, zac. Macscripter’s forums are a place rooted in creativity and productivity, and while your idea may seem a bit creative to you, it’s certainly not very productive. Ask us some questions about serious topics and you’ll likely get lots of answers. Challenge us to overcome an obstacle and we’ll gladly accept. But ask us to contribute to something dangerous, malicious, or just plain insensitive and most of us will look the other way. Instead of trying to scare your mom, why not add something special to her world instead? Sounds like you’re pretty motivated to create and explore, so why not find some real projects to invest yourself in? Come up with some good ideas to make your life easier, your days better, or someone else happier. Go ask your mom for ideas about what might make her computer use more pleasant, not more unpleasant, and then write some scripts or little apps to help her out. I know, this probably sounds pretty wishy-washy, but I’ll tell you… creating things that have real substance, purpose, and usefulness is far more rewarding than a quick, cheap thrill.

Take care, and let’s see something wonderful from you… :slight_smile:

alright, thanx:)