Youtube mp3 List Downloader

My guess is that not many will wanna help with this, but I figured: why not? Anyway, I’m really new to applescript, but I’ve created a script that takes a list of songs from TextEdit like:
(just find/replace all the spaces with +'s)
then it takes those songs and through my script it finds all the songs and downloads them using with Google Chrome. But it has bugs, some of which I will be able to figure out and others that I might not. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to search through this and maybe test it to see if they can quickly find a solution. Any help is appreciated. If not, maybe this could give someone new ideas or something, idk. Anyway, thanks for anything you have to offer. Here is my script.

	tell application "Google Chrome"
		tell application "TextEdit" to set AllSongs to text of document "AllSongs"
		set song_num to 1
		make new window
		repeat with main_counter from 1 to (round (number of paragraphs in AllSongs) / 15 rounding up)
			set songs to ""
			if number of paragraphs of AllSongs ≥ song_num + 14 then
				repeat with repeater from 1 to 15
					set songs to songs & paragraph (song_num - 1 + repeater) of AllSongs & "
				end repeat
				if number of paragraphs of AllSongs < song_num + 14 then
					repeat with repeater from 1 to ((number of paragraphs of AllSongs) - song_num)
						set songs to songs & paragraph (song_num - 1 + repeater) of AllSongs & "
					end repeat
					set songs to paragraphs song_num thru (count paragraphs of AllSongs) of AllSongs
				end if
			end if
			tell application "TextEdit" to set text of document 1 to ""
			make new window
			tell front window
				set theURL to songs
				set theURL to every paragraph of theURL
				tell application "TextEdit" to set text of document 1 to songs as text
				--add links around names
				repeat with x from 1 to number of items in theURL
					set item x of theURL to "" & item x of theURL & "&aq=f"
				end repeat
				--create tabs with each going to a different youtube search page
				repeat with k from 1 to number of items in theURL
					set URL of active tab to item k of theURL
					make new tab with properties {URL:k}
				end repeat
				--remove +'s from songs
				set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
				set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "+"
				set songs to text items of songs
				set text item delimiters of AppleScript to " "
				set songs to "" & songs
				set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
				--remove tabs (big spaces) from songs
				set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
				set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "	"
				set songs to text items of songs
				set text item delimiters of AppleScript to " "
				set songs to "" & songs
				set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
				set songs to every paragraph of songs
				set active tab index to 1
				--wait until finished loading
				repeat with z from 1 to number of items in songs
					delay 1
						if title of active tab contains "youtube" then
							--copy page
							tell active tab
								select all
								copy selection
							end tell
							--search for text that lets me know it's done
							set the clipboard to «class ktxt» of ((the clipboard as text) as record)
							set doc to the clipboard
							if doc contains item z of songs then
								exit repeat
							end if
						end if
					end repeat
					if doc contains "Translate results into my language" then
						if doc contains "did you mean" then
							tell application "System Events"
								repeat with numtimes from 1 to 15
									keystroke tab
								end repeat
								keystroke return
							end tell
							tell application "System Events"
								repeat with numtimes from 1 to 14
									keystroke tab
								end repeat
								keystroke return
							end tell
						end if
						if doc contains "did you mean" then
							tell application "System Events"
								repeat with numtimes from 1 to 14
									keystroke tab
								end repeat
								keystroke return
							end tell
							tell application "System Events"
								repeat with numtimes from 1 to 13
									keystroke tab
								end repeat
								keystroke return
							end tell
						end if
					end if
					set active tab index to (active tab index) + 1
				end repeat
				tell application "TextEdit" to set text of document 1 to item z of songs
				--1st half of youtube to mp3
				--wait until finished loading
				set active tab index to 1
					delay 1
					if title of active tab contains "youtube" then
						--copy page
						tell active tab
							select all
							copy selection
						end tell
						--search for text that lets me know it's done
						set the clipboard to «class ktxt» of ((the clipboard as text) as record)
						set doc to the clipboard
						if doc contains "comments" then
							delay 2
							exit repeat
						end if
						if doc contains "Search results for" then
							if doc contains "Translate results into my language" then
								if doc contains "did you mean" then
									tell application "System Events"
										repeat with numtimes from 1 to 15
											keystroke tab
										end repeat
										keystroke return
									end tell
									tell application "System Events"
										repeat with numtimes from 1 to 14
											keystroke tab
										end repeat
										keystroke return
									end tell
								end if
								if doc contains "did you mean" then
									tell application "System Events"
										repeat with numtimes from 1 to 14
											keystroke tab
										end repeat
										keystroke return
									end tell
									tell application "System Events"
										repeat with numtimes from 1 to 13
											keystroke tab
										end repeat
										keystroke return
									end tell
								end if
							end if
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
				repeat with counter from 1 to number of items in songs
					set x to URL of active tab
					tell application "System Events" to set the clipboard to ""
					set URL of active tab to ""
					--wait until finished loading
						delay 1
						if title of active tab contains "youtube" then
							--copy page
							tell active tab
								select all
								copy selection
							end tell
							--search for text that lets me know it's done
							set the clipboard to «class ktxt» of ((the clipboard as text) as record)
							set doc to the clipboard
							if doc contains "What is YouTube mp3?" then
								delay 2
								exit repeat
							end if
						end if
					end repeat
					--enter url in text field and hit enter
					tell application "System Events"
						keystroke tab & tab & tab
						keystroke x as text
						keystroke return
						keystroke tab
						delay 1
					end tell
					set active tab index to (active tab index) + 1
					tell application "System Events" to set the clipboard to ""
				end repeat
				--Second half of Youtube mp3
				set active tab index to 1
				--wait until finished loading
				repeat with counter from 1 to number of items in songs
						delay 0.5
						--copy page
						tell active tab
							select all
							copy selection
						end tell
						--search for text that lets me know it's done
						set the clipboard to «class ktxt» of ((the clipboard as text) as record)
						set doc to the clipboard
						if doc contains "link this mp3" then
							exit repeat
						end if
						if doc contains "Invalid URL" then
							tell application "TextEdit" to set text of document "Errors" to text of document "Errors" & item counter of songs & "
							exit repeat
						end if
						if doc contains "What is YouTube mp3?" then
							if doc does not contain "Invalid URL" then
								if doc does not contain "link this mp3" then
									tell application "TextEdit" to set text of document "Errors" to text of document "Errors" & item counter of songs
									exit repeat
								end if
							end if
						end if
					end repeat
					tell application "System Events"
						repeat with numtimes from 1 to 17
							keystroke tab
							delay 0.3
						end repeat
						keystroke return
					end tell
					set active tab index to (active tab index) + 1
				end repeat
				set song_num to song_num + 15
				delay 5
			end tell
			tell window 2 to close
		end repeat
	end tell

Add a little bit more labels, Im having trouble finding out what this “AllSongs” document is…
EDIT: Ok, I get that “AllSongs” is the textedit doc, so i ran it and I got two google chrome windows (for the two songs I entered) but after that nothing. The code’s still running, but with tons of lag, try compaction maybe? Is this a bug you encountered?

Ok, heres some code to convert something with spaces to +'s (allows a more friendly appearance):

display dialog "Enter the song name:" default answer "song name" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set theSong to text returned of result
set the_Song to ""
if number of words in theSong is 1 then
	set the_Song to theSong
	if number of words in theSong is 2 then
		set the_Song to (word 1 of theSong) & "+" & (word 2 of theSong)
		repeat until number of words in the_Song = 2
			set the_Song to the_Song & (first word of theSong) & "+"
			set theSong to text ((length of first word of theSong) + 2) thru end of theSong
		end repeat
		set the_Song to the_Song & (word 1 of theSong) & "+" & (word 2 of theSong)
	end if
end if
set theYoutubeHTML to "" & the_Song & "&aq=f"

Model: Macbook
Browser: Safari 533.21.1
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

Thanks for the input!
I have changed it a bunch since posting this, and most of the bugs are worked out. My next comment will be the new script.
No, what you encountered was not one of the bugs. Did it solve the problem when you added +'s? Sorry I wasn’t specific about that. Ya AllSongs is the document I leave open for Script Editor to read, and it contains about 1000 song names like this:


(Song+Name+Artist+Name). No punctuation.
The 2 windows were for 2 sets of songs to alternate in case the one set wasn’t done before the second started (If there’s more than 15 songs it does the process with fifteen (1 per tab), then switches windows and does it with the next fifteen.)

Thanks for the thing that adds the +'s, but I already have one, I just haven’t really used it because i didn’t need to. Mine simply uses a find/replace method for all the spaces.
My newest edition of the script has a dialog box like your suggestion, where you paste your list of songs. Currently, though, it’s not too user friendly unless you made it because you have to post the songs exactly like my list up there. After i add the + replacer it’ll be a little better but not much. Thanks so much. I appreciate anything you have to offer. Oh and one last thing: i’m not sure if i know how to make it much more compact than the version i’m about to post. If you’d like, would you offer suggestions on that? Thanks
Thanks for the

There. It’s pretty near finished. I made tons of changes. Just a few minor bugs left. Here it is:

tell application "Google Chrome"
	--dialog box to get song list
	set AllSongs to ""
	set EmptySpace to 0
		set question to display dialog ("Paste list of songs below, or type them in") default answer "song name artist name" buttons {"Quit Script", "Add Another Song", "Start Downloading Songs"} default button 2
		set answer to button returned of question
		if EmptySpace is 1 then
			set AllSongs to AllSongs & "
" & text returned of question
			set AllSongs to AllSongs & text returned of question
			set EmptySpace to 1
		end if
		if answer is equal to "Quit Script" then
		end if
		if answer is equal to "Start Downloading Songs" then
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	--other variables to set
	set the clipboard to ""
	set song_num to 1
	set refresher to 0
	set retry to 0
	--new window to work in
	make new window
	tell front window
		if (count paragraphs in AllSongs) ≥ 15 then
			repeat with k from 1 to 14
				make new tab
			end repeat
			repeat with k from 1 to number of paragraphs in AllSongs
				make new tab
			end repeat
		end if
		--repeat entire process by creating 1 window with 15 tabs each time.  
		repeat with main_counter from 1 to (round (number of paragraphs in AllSongs) / 15 rounding up)
			set songs to ""
			if number of paragraphs of AllSongs ≥ song_num + 14 then
				repeat with repeater from 1 to 15
					set songs to songs & paragraph (song_num - 1 + repeater) of AllSongs & "
				end repeat
				if number of paragraphs of AllSongs < song_num + 14 then
					repeat with repeater from 1 to ((number of paragraphs of AllSongs) - song_num)
						set songs to songs & paragraph (song_num - 1 + repeater) of AllSongs & "
					end repeat
					set songs to paragraphs song_num thru (count paragraphs of AllSongs) of AllSongs
				end if
			end if
			set theURL to songs
			--replace spaces with +'s in theURL
			set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
			set text item delimiters of AppleScript to " "
			set theURL to text items of theURL
			set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "+"
			set theURL to "" & theURL
			set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
			set theURL to paragraphs 1 thru 15 of theURL
			--add links around names (and make sure no covers are downloaded)
			repeat with x from 1 to number of items in theURL
				set item x of theURL to "" & item x of theURL & "+-cover&aq=f"
			end repeat
			--Set each open tab of the window to a different youtube search page
			repeat with k from 1 to number of items in theURL
				set URL of tab index k to item k of theURL
			end repeat
			--remove +'s from songs
			set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
			set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "+"
			set songs to text items of songs
			set text item delimiters of AppleScript to " "
			set songs to "" & songs
			set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
			--remove tabs (big spaces) from songs
			set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
			set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "	"
			set songs to text items of songs
			set text item delimiters of AppleScript to " "
			set songs to "" & songs
			set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
			set songs to paragraphs 1 thru 15 of songs
			set active tab index to 1
			set doc to ""
			--On each search page, select the first link and go to it
			repeat with z from 1 to number of items in songs
				--wait until finished loading
					if refresher is 60 then
						reload active tab
						set refresher to 0
					end if
					if title of active tab contains "chrome" then
						set URL of active tab to item 1 of theURL
					end if
					if title of active tab contains "youtube" then
						--copy page
						tell active tab
							select all
							delay 0.2
							copy selection
							set refresher to refresher + 0.2
						end tell
						--search for text that lets me know it's done
						set the clipboard to (the clipboard as text)
						set doc to the clipboard
						if doc contains "No video results for" then
							reload active tab
						end if
						if doc contains item z of songs then
							set the clipboard to ""
							exit repeat
						end if
					end if
					delay 1
					set refresher to refresher + 1
				end repeat
				--Select the link and push enter based on how many times you have to hit tab for it to be selected
				set TabStrokes to 13
				if doc contains "Translate results into my language" then
					set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 1
				end if
				if doc contains "did you mean" then
					set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 1
				end if
				if paragraphs 10 thru 13 of doc contains "Translate" then
					set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 1
				end if
				tell application "System Events"
					repeat with numtimes from 1 to TabStrokes
						keystroke tab
					end repeat
					keystroke return
				end tell
				if z < number of items in songs then
					set active tab index to (active tab index) + 1
				end if
			end repeat
			--1st half of youtube to mp3 (Set x to URL and go to
			set active tab index to 1
			--wait until finished loading
				if refresher is 60 then
					reload active tab
					set refresher to 0
				end if
				if title of active tab contains "youtube" then
					--copy page
					tell active tab
						select all
						delay 0.2
						set refresher to refresher + 0.2
						copy selection
					end tell
					--search for text that lets me know it's done
					set the clipboard to (the clipboard as text)
					set doc to the clipboard
					if doc contains "Search results for" then
						set TabStrokes to 13
						if active tab index is 1 then
							set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 2
						end if
						if doc contains "Translate results into my language" then
							set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 1
						end if
						if doc contains "did you mean" then
							set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 1
						end if
						if paragraphs 10 thru 13 of doc contains "Translate" then
							set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 1
						end if
						tell application "System Events"
							repeat with numtimes from 1 to TabStrokes
								keystroke tab
							end repeat
							keystroke return
						end tell
						set doc to ""
					end if
					if doc contains "suggestions" then
						delay 2
						set doc to ""
						set the clipboard to ""
						exit repeat
					end if
				end if
				delay 1
				set refresher to refresher + 1
			end repeat
			--Set x to URL and go to  Then select the conversion text field and type URL into it
			repeat with counter from 1 to number of items in songs
				set x to URL of active tab
				set URL of active tab to ""
				--wait until finished loading
					if refresher is 60 then
						reload active tab
						set refresher to 0
					end if
					if title of active tab contains "youtube" then
						--copy page
						tell active tab
							select all
							delay 0.2
							copy selection
							set refresher to refresher + 0.2
						end tell
						--search for text that lets me know it's done
						set the clipboard to (the clipboard as text)
						set doc to the clipboard
						if doc contains "What is YouTube mp3?" then
							delay 2
							set doc to ""
							set the clipboard to ""
							exit repeat
						end if
					end if
					delay 1
					set refresher to refresher + 1
				end repeat
				--enter url in text field and hit enter
				tell application "System Events"
					keystroke tab & tab & tab
					keystroke x as text
					keystroke return
					keystroke tab
					delay 1
				end tell
				if counter < number of items in songs then
					set active tab index to (active tab index) + 1
				end if
				set doc to ""
				set the clipboard to ""
			end repeat
			--Second half of Youtube mp3
			set active tab index to 1
			repeat with counter from 1 to number of items in songs
				set attempts to 0
				--wait until finished loading
					if refresher is 60 then
						reload active tab
						set refresher to 0
					end if
					if title of active tab contains "YouTube" then
						if title of active tab does not contain "YouTube to mp3 Converter" then
							if title of active tab does not contain "YouTube - " then
								tell active tab
									go back
									delay 3
									set refresher to 0
								end tell
							end if
						end if
					else if title of active tab is not "" then
						delete tab active tab index
					end if
					delay 0.5
					set refresher to refresher + 0.5
					--copy page
					tell active tab
						select all
						delay 0.2
						set refresher to refresher + 0.5
						copy selection
					end tell
					--search for text that lets me know it's done
					set the clipboard to (the clipboard as text)
					set doc to the clipboard
					if doc contains "link this mp3" then
						set doc to ""
						set the clipboard to ""
						exit repeat
					end if
					if doc contains "Invalid URL" then
						tell application "TextEdit"
							set text of document 1 to text of document 1 & item counter of songs & "
						end tell
						set doc to ""
						set the clipboard to ""
						exit repeat
					end if
					if doc contains "suggestions" then
						delay 2
						set x to URL of active tab
						set the clipboard to ""
						set URL of active tab to ""
						delay 3
						set counter to counter - 1
						set doc to ""
						set refresher to 0
					end if
					if doc contains "Search results for" then
						set TabStrokes to 18
						if doc contains "Translate results into my language" then
							set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 1
						end if
						if doc contains "did you mean" then
							set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 1
						end if
						if paragraphs 10 thru 13 of doc contains "Translate" then
							set TabStrokes to TabStrokes + 1
						end if
						tell application "System Events"
							repeat with numtimes from 1 to TabStrokes
								keystroke tab
							end repeat
							keystroke return
							delay 3
						end tell
						set doc to ""
						set counter to counter - 1
						set refresher to 0
					end if
					if doc contains "as an Error caused by YouTube, we cannot deliver" then
						if attempts is 0 then
							tell active tab
								go back
								delay 3
								go back
								delay 3
							end tell
							set retry to 1
							set attempts to attempts + 1
							set doc to ""
							set counter to counter - 1
							set refresher to 0
							set doc to ""
							set the clipboard to ""
							tell application "TextEdit" to set text of document 1 to text of document 1 & item counter of songs & "
							exit repeat
						end if
					end if
					if doc contains "What is YouTube mp3?" then
						if doc does not contain "processing" then
							if doc does not contain "as an Error caused by YouTube, we cannot deliver" then
								if doc does not contain "Invalid URL" then
									if doc does not contain "link this mp3" then
										if retry is 1 then
											delay 2
											tell application "System Events"
												keystroke tab & tab & tab
												keystroke x as text
												keystroke return
												keystroke tab
												delay 3
											end tell
											set retry to 0
											set doc to ""
											set counter to counter - 1
											set refresher to 0
											go back
											delay 3
										end if
									end if
								end if
							end if
						end if
					end if
					delay 1
					set the clipboard to ""
					set refresher to refresher + 1
				end repeat
				tell application "System Events"
					repeat with numtimes from 1 to 17
						keystroke tab
						delay 0.1
					end repeat
					keystroke return
				end tell
				if counter < number of items in songs then
					set active tab index to (active tab index) + 1
				end if
			end repeat
			set song_num to song_num + 15
			repeat with k from 1 to 10
				display dialog "Push cancel to stop, or do nothing to continue
" & 11 - k buttons {"Cancel"} giving up after 1
			end repeat
			set the clipboard to ""
			set active tab index to 1
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

Ok, I’ll post my code i made to download one song you enter (in a dialog box)

Ok, I didnt use any mouse/keyboard scripting in mine, so I couldnt download it, it just opens up the site with the download button. Also, mines just a video downloader, not songs (it does songs, but its theme is videos :)). Ok, here it is so far (feel free to post some of your ideas):

--                                        youLaunch - A youtube video searcher
on error
	display dialog "              Thanks for using youLaunch!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end try
on getSongTitle()
	display dialog "Enter the video name:" default answer "video name" buttons {"Quit", "OK"} default button 2
	set theResult to result
	if button returned of theResult is "Quit" then
	end if
	global theSong
	set theSong to text returned of theResult
end getSongTitle

on replacePlusAndQuotes(theSong)
	global newSong
	set newSong to ""
	repeat until number of characters in theSong = 1
		set thisLetter to character 1 of theSong
		if thisLetter is " " then
			set thisLetter to "+"
		end if
		if thisLetter is "'" then
			set thisLetter to ""
		end if
		set newSong to newSong & thisLetter
		set theSong to text 2 thru end of theSong
	end repeat
	if theSong is " " then
		set theSong to "+"
	end if
	if thisLetter is "'" then
		set thisLetter to ""
	end if
	set newSong to newSong & theSong
end replacePlusAndQuotes

on findURL(newSong)
	global idCode
	set theYoutubeHTML to "" & newSong
	set theCode to do shell script ("curl " & theYoutubeHTML) without altering line endings
	set idCode to text ((offset of "<h3><a href=\"" in theCode) + 13) thru end of theCode
	set idCode to text 1 thru ((offset of "\"" in idCode) - 1) of idCode
end findURL
set justCode to text ((offset of "=" in idCode) + 1) thru end of idCode
set newUrl to "http" & ":" & "//" & justCode & "&h=1d01ee94224cb8d36e1c3d2bad113e16"
tell application "Safari"
	open location newUrl
	display dialog "Click 'Download' to download the file to your CPU" buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
end tell

As you can see, one way of organization I used was handler. Read up on them in the forums. Also, try not using as much keyboard scripting, I use (do shell script “curl URLHERE”) to find the links i need without opening up a page. The problem i had was the download button goes to a link, normally i could find this link in the code but its inside java script :frowning: i might just use one keyboard scripter there.
This is for Safari, just change “Safari” to “Google Chrome” for you, that’ll still work fine, just tested it

Wow those are some great tips lemuralex13! Thanks!!! But I’ve never used curl before, and yours keeps saying idcode is not defined. If you could explain what’s going on with the curl process that’d be amazing! Thanks.

Hmm, i dont know why idcode isnt working… I’ll take a look, worked on mine, idk. Try getting rid of the handlers, looks messier but that should fix it. Ok, well the curl command is like “see url”, little pun :slight_smile: Haha, well it gets the source code for the url following it. On Safari you can click “View” then “View Source”. (Google Chrome is “View” → “Developer” → “View Source”) What i did was I youtube searched something, then opened the site’s source, and found the first search result’s url in the code. I then copied some of the stuff before it, and used “offset” to find where it was in applescript. Do the same with stuff after it so you know where it ends. This is what i call a “Reference Marker”. I can now use this in my code so it can always find the first search result. That part of the code is:

	set theYoutubeHTML to "" & newSong
	set theCode to do shell script ("curl " & theYoutubeHTML) without altering line endings -- Gets source code
	set idCode to text ((offset of "<h3><a href=\"" in theCode) + 13) thru end of theCode -- Goes to ref marker
	set idCode to text 1 thru ((offset of "\"" in idCode) - 1) of idCode -- chops off code after 2nd ref marker

So it goes to the search results of whatever you entered, and gets the URL for the first result. Then it gets just the youtube idcode part of that url. (/watch?v=4D-4Z879hsA —> 4D-4Z879hsA) It then goes to the download page by taking" and appending the idcode then appending “&h=1d01ee94224cb8d36e1c3d2bad113e16”. The code is:

set justCode to text ((offset of "=" in idCode) + 1) thru end of idCode -- chops off all except the id
set newUrl to "" & justCode & "&h=1d01ee94224cb8d36e1c3d2bad113e16" -- Gets the site's URL

This is what takes you to a videos download page on I always try and look for stuff like that in the urls (did the same with searching in youtube). Then it just opens the URL at the end of the script. I know this must all sound confusing, if you want me to explain any one part better, just say so, i’d be happy to do so :slight_smile:

Also, with this line here:
Set newUrl to “” & justCode & “&h=1d01ee94224cb8d36e1c3d2bad113e16”
The id at the end(“1d01…”) isnt the right id for any videos, so it just takes you to the page with the download button, doesnt auto download, if only I could get inside the java… :frowning: Frustrating. Lol

Thanks this really helps! I figured out why idcode wasn’t working. It’s cuz my findreplace method decided to quit working and i can’t figure out why. Do you see why? Here’s the top part of my script. Just to test why findreplace isn’t working

--set handlers to be repeated later

--handler 1
on refresh(refresher, mins)
	my docCheck(refresher)
	if refresher ≥ 20 and refresher < 30 then
		if (the clipboard) is "" then
				tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down}
			end try
		end if
	else if refresher ≥ 30 and refresher < 600 then
		tell application "Google Chrome" to reload active tab of window 1
		set refresher to 0
		set mins to mins + 0.5
	else if mins ≥ 10 then
		tell application "TextEdit"
			make new document
			set text of document 1 to "Error.  We're sorry, something has prevented this script from moving on.  Please close all unnecessary windows and continue on with all undownloaded songs."
		end tell
	end if
end refresh

--handler 2
on replaceText(find, replace, someText)
	set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to find
	set someText to text items of someText
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to replace
	set someText to "" & someText
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
	return someText
end replaceText

--handler 3
on copier(refresher, doc)
	tell application "Google Chrome" to tell front window to tell active tab
		select all
		delay 0.2
		copy selection
		set refresher to refresher + 0.2
	end tell
		set my doc to the clipboard as text
	on error
		set my doc to ""
	end try
end copier

--handler 4
on searchResults(doc, numtimes)
	tell application "System Events"
		if paragraphs 10 thru 13 of doc contains "Translate" then keystroke tab
		if doc contains "Translate results into my language" then keystroke tab
		if doc contains "did you mean" then keystroke tab
		if doc contains "Watch Now: " then keystroke tab & tab
			repeat numtimes times
				keystroke tab
			end repeat
			keystroke return
		end try
	end tell
	set doc to ""
	set the clipboard to ""
end searchResults

--handler 5
on errorReport(repeater, input, doc, message)
	tell application "TextEdit"
		set text of document 1 to text of document 1 & message & item repeater of input & return
		delay 1
	end tell
	tell application "Google Chrome" to activate
	set doc to ""
	set the clipboard to ""
end errorReport

--handler 6
on docCheck(doc)
	tell application "TextEdit"
		set text of document 1 to doc as text
		delay 0.5
	end tell
	tell application "Google Chrome" to activate
end docCheck

--handler 7

--handler 8

--dialog box to get song list
set AllSongs to ""
set EmptySpace to 0
	set question to display dialog ("Paste list of songs below, or type them in") default answer "song name artist name" buttons {"Quit Script", "Add Another Song", "Start Downloading Songs"} default button 2
	set answer to button returned of question
	if EmptySpace is 1 then
		set AllSongs to AllSongs & return & text returned of question
		set AllSongs to AllSongs & text returned of question
		set EmptySpace to 1
	end if
	if answer is equal to "Start Downloading Songs" then
		exit repeat
	else if answer is equal to "Quit Script" then
	end if
end repeat

--other variables to set
set the clipboard to ""
set song_num to 1
set refresher to 0

set songs to ""
if number of paragraphs of AllSongs ≥ song_num + 14 then
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to return
	set songs to paragraphs song_num thru (song_num + 14) of AllSongs as text
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to ""
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to return
	set songs to paragraphs song_num thru (count paragraphs of AllSongs) of AllSongs as text
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to ""
end if

set theURL to songs

--replace spaces with +'s in theURL
my replaceText(" ", "+", theURL)
return theURL

Haha, very simple thing actually, you have:

my replaceText(" ", "+", theURL)
return theURL

when you should have:

set theURL to my replaceText(" ", "+", theURL)
return theURL

That fixed it on mine, try it :slight_smile: Seems like a stupid mistake I’d make… Lol

Thanks that works!

Yup, feel free to post your full code as soon as you finish!

Ok, i got it working pretty well, but after like 50 songs or so, it slows down and eventually stops responding. It might just stop on a certain song, but I don’t like to check, because it freezes up google chrome and doesn’t work again until i restart my computer. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Or is it simply unfixable? It’s been doing the slow-down thing since the beginning.

This is getting to be quite long of a page to scroll through :slight_smile: Ok, I would recommend adding a “delay .5” at the end of your loop so it waits half of a second in between each download, should bog it down less. But a better solution would be doing each page individually rather than opening 50 pages at once. You can open 1, do stuff with it, close it, and repeat x50. Try coding it and posting the new code here. The second’s a LOT more work, but would definitely work a lot better (1st removed lag in AS, 2nd removes lag in google chrome, which affects the CPU more).

Ok, so It’s been quite awhile, but I think I finally got this thing working. I changed it immensely, and now it doesn’t even use Chrome.
However, it does use MediaHuman Youtube to MP3, so if you wanna test this out, you’ll need that. It’s free.

Here’s an example of a list I used to paste into the dialog box that asks you for the song list:

It should work without the +'s, but I haven’t tried that yet.

Here’s the whole script:

--handler 1
on replaceText(find, replace, someText)
	set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to find
	set someText to text items of someText
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to replace
	set someText to "" & someText
	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs
	return someText
end replaceText

--dialog box to get song list
set AllSongs to ""
set EmptySpace to 0
	set question to display dialog ("Paste list of songs below, or type them in") default answer "song name artist name" buttons {"Quit Script", "Add Another Song", "Start Downloading Songs"} default button 2
	set answer to button returned of question
	if EmptySpace is 1 then
		set AllSongs to AllSongs & return & text returned of question
		set AllSongs to AllSongs & text returned of question
		set EmptySpace to 1
	end if
	if answer is equal to "Start Downloading Songs" then
		exit repeat
	else if answer is equal to "Quit Script" then
	end if
end repeat

--other variables to set
set the clipboard to ""

--repeat entire process by creating 1 window with 15 tabs each time.  
repeat with main_counter from 1 to (number of paragraphs in AllSongs)
	set song to paragraph main_counter of AllSongs
	set paras to ((number of paragraphs in AllSongs) - main_counter + 1)
	tell application "TextEdit"
		set text of document 1 to ((paras as text) & " songs left...")
	end tell
	--replace spaces with +'s in song
	set song to my replaceText(" ", "+", song)
	--remove apostrophes in song
	set song to my replaceText("'", "", song)
	--remove parentheses in song
	set song to my replaceText("(", "", song)
	set song to my replaceText(")", "", song)
	--remove hyphons in song
	set song to my replaceText("-", "", song)
	--remove double-pluses in song
	set song to my replaceText("++", "+", song)
	--remove tab's in song
	set song to my replaceText("	", "+", song)
	--replace "&" with "and"
	set song to my replaceText("&", "and", song)
	set song to every paragraph of song
	--add links around names (and make sure no covers are downloaded)
	set song to "" & song
	set doc to ""
	set newUrl to ""
		set theCode to do shell script ("curl " & (song)) without altering line endings -- Gets source code
		set idCode to text (offset of "watch?v=" in theCode) thru end of theCode -- Goes to ref marker
		set idCode to text 1 thru ((offset of "\"" in idCode) - 1) of idCode -- chops off code after 2nd ref marker
		set idCode to "" & idCode
		set the clipboard to idCode
	end try
end repeat
tell application "YouTube to MP3" to activate
tell application "TextEdit"
	set text of document 1 to ("All done! Press the download all button (the down arrow in the top right corner) in the app YouTube to MP3")
end tell

Oh and one more thing: Make sure the YouTube to MP3 app is open before you start the script and set it to “Auto add from clipboard” (bottom left options button)

Feel completely free to ask any more questions. I want to make this as functional as possible.