Applescript FAQ

Applescript Studio What is AppleScript Studio? Core Language Simple to understand “What is” questions Folder Actions What is a folder action and how do I use one? Text Manipulation Intermediate to Advanced text string manipulation Application Scripting How can I make my applications AppleScriptable? OS X Finder General Scripting under Mac OS X Scripting Additions How can I create my own OS X Scripting Additions? General Information Is an applescripter a “programmer”? Miscellaneous Info Where can I find a Scriptable Text Editor? AppleScript Language Guide Introduction to AppleScript Language Guide
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 262 December 13, 2022
1 1878 December 24, 2017
0 486 February 25, 2011
2 475 March 12, 2008
0 460 August 14, 2007
0 522 August 8, 2007
0 437 July 8, 2007
0 439 July 8, 2007
0 444 July 8, 2007
0 411 July 8, 2007
0 380 August 22, 2006
0 401 August 22, 2006
0 686 August 5, 2006
0 626 March 23, 2006
0 380 November 5, 2005
0 645 October 31, 2005
0 563 October 31, 2005
0 421 October 28, 2005
0 382 October 24, 2005
0 417 October 23, 2005
0 389 October 22, 2005
0 431 October 22, 2005
0 346 October 22, 2005
0 340 October 22, 2005
0 361 October 22, 2005
0 332 October 22, 2005
0 408 October 22, 2005
0 449 October 21, 2005
0 427 October 21, 2005
0 433 October 21, 2005