Anyone know how to use QuickTime "hint movies" action?

hi! am trying to use Automations and Quicktime actions to hint several AAC audio files for upload to my streaming server but think my workflow is missing something. I Just finished reading Ben Waldie’s Automator book so am not an expert yet but…am trying. Any idea’d be appreciated!

Manually this works fine
(and creates the hinted .mov files on my desktop):

Open the aac file in Quicktime Pro → from “File” menu selct “Export” → select “Save”

Very easy and effective…but with hundereds of files to do…this’ll take long time.

SO…In Automator…my workflow is:

  1. Ask for Finder items
  2. Get Selected Finder Items
  3. Open Finder Items → Open with: Quicktime
  4. Hint Movies

When I run the script form within automator then I select the AAC file to be hinted (titled “075F Flowers.m4a”) - it runs… but the remaining file (“075F Flowers.m4a”) is unchanged (not hinted) and a mysterious empty folder is created on the desktop and immediately moved to the trash. It had the cryptic name “798053”. Anyone have any idea what’s going on and/or how I can get these things hinted?

Thanks lots for your opinions.


So, you’re choosing a file (or files), and then telling Finder to get the files currently selected (in the front Finder window). It looks like the current selection in Finder is what is getting opened in Quicktime Player. Try getting rid of step 2.

Thanks so much. I tried what you said: removed step 2. Then, ran it. I chose the .m4a (AAC) file again…however, the same thing happened - an empty folder is created for an instant on the desktop then moved to the trash. this time titled “983773” leaving the .m4a file I selected unchanged.

Current workflow is:

  1. Ask for Finder items
  2. Open Finder Items → Open with: Quicktime
  3. Hint Movies

I am wondering if that “Hint Movies” action actually works with AAC files in Automator. You see…Step 3 (“HInt Movies”) seems to want Input as “Movie FIles” but my step 2 is giving it just an AAC “File”. Would I have to somehow change it to a “.mov” file before hintng it?

Doing the same process manually in quicktime does not require .mov files to be created first. .m4a’s can be directly exported as hinted movies. THanks again… if you have time. If you need help with JApanese translations or something japan related…I can return the favor.


OK, I made it. Want me to post it or email it?

HI, Thansk for taking a stab at that. You can “post” it (I assume that means put it on this bbs, right?)…then others can see how bright you are (and how not bright I am)…anyway…life goes on. Will paypal you after i can successfully run it here. If you’d rather not post your email address here that you’d like me to paypal…please email that to me at and thanks again.

Try this…
email is

set movs to choose file with prompt "Select the movie files you wish to save as hinted movies:" with multiple selections allowed without invisibles

set sl to ((choose folder with prompt "Save hinted movies to:") as text)

tell application "QuickTime Player"
	repeat with i from 1 to number of items in movs
		set this_item to item i of movs
		open this_item
		set save_location to sl & (get name of movie 1)
		export movie 1 to save_location as hinted movie
		close movie 1 saving no
	end repeat
end tell