Applescript error or Javascript error?

Hey Guys.

I am trying to simulate a mouse click on a button called “Working Time” on a web page. I wrote the following applescript, but it is not working properly. I am getting the following error.

Syntax Error

Expected end of line, etc. but found identifier.

Any ideas what is wrong? Is it my applescript or the javascript itself that is the problem?

tell application "Safari" activate do JavaScript "this.Response.Redirect("WebForm1.aspx?__EVENTTARGE T=Working Time")" end tell


double quotes in literal strings must be escaped with a backslash

tell application "Safari"
	do JavaScript "this.Response.Redirect(\"WebForm1.aspx?__EVENTTARGE T=Working Time\")"
end tell

Thanks Stefan.

I have re-written this with a different approach with the same issue. I just don’t know where the backslashes should go.

tell application "safari"
	do JavaScript "var clickNode = document.getElementsById(thisNode);
clickNode.onclick("return me.h_e(event,window,this,'Link','LINKCLICK',{'event':'event','ControlId':'aaabGFON.AreaGroupViewStatic.Area2Link'},'',true);" href="javascript:void(0);" onkeydown="return me.h_m(event,window,'sapUrMapi_Link_activate(\'aaabGFON.AreaGroupViewStatic.Area2Link\',SSR.event)');");"
end tell

every double quote within the literal string must be escaped as "

Got it. I have a new error now with the following:

tell application "Safari"
	do JavaScript "var clickNode = document.getElementsById(thisNode);
clickNode.onclick(\"return me.h_e(event,window,this,'Link','LINKCLICK',{'event':'event','ControlId':'aaabGFON.AreaGroupViewStatic.Area2Link'},'',true);\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onkeydown=\"return me.h_m(event,window,'sapUrMapi_Link_activate(\'aaabGFON.AreaGroupViewStatic.Area2Link\',SSR.event)');\");"
end tell

I seem to be getting the same problem with the single quotations in the java script. Does this have to be done with them as well?

No, only the double quotes, but if there are backslashes in the text, you have also to escape the backslashes \