Cannot Delete Cookie using script

I got this script from another post here which uses safari tools.

The script runs but does not delete the kbid cookies which are set on my site.

Does anybody have a clue why? Following the script below I have the event log of what is going on.

--> use here the propper location 
set sfriLibrary to (load script alias "Macintosh HD:Users:dishusa:Desktop:sfri Library.scpt") 

--> open for testing purposes 
tell application "Safari" to make new document with properties {URL:""} 

display dialog "Now, I'm going to search for the cookies sent by" & return & return & ¬ 
   "Please, wait while the page loads..." with icon note 

tell sfriLibrary 
   set awcookies to currentcookies() 
   set cookiesDisplay to "These are the cookies sent by" & return & return 
   repeat with i in awcookies 
      set cookiesDisplay to cookiesDisplay & i's cookiename & ":" & i's cookievalue & return 
   end repeat 
   set cookiesDisplay to cookiesDisplay & return & "Should I delete them?" 
   display dialog cookiesDisplay with icon note 
   --> go ahead, delete cookies using a past expiration date 
   set x to (current date) - 1 * days 
   repeat with i in awcookies 
      sendcookie(i's cookiename, i's cookievalue, x) 
   end repeat 
   set awcookies to currentcookies() 
   if awcookies = {} then 
      display dialog "Done!" with icon 1 
      display dialog "There was some problem resetting cookies..." with icon 0 
   end if 
end tell

Even Log ( I left out the long load of sfri Library.scpt.

tell application "Safari"
	make new document with properties {URL:""}
		document "Loading “”"
end tell
tell current application
	display dialog "Now, I'm going to search for the cookies sent by

Please, wait while the page loads..." with icon note
		{button returned:"OK"}
end tell
tell application "Safari"
	do JavaScript "unescape(document.cookie)" in document 1
		"kbid=1001; kbid=1001"
	display dialog "These are the cookies sent by


Should I delete them?" with icon note
		{button returned:"OK"}
	current date
		date "Saturday, March 5, 2005 6:21:14 PM"
	do JavaScript "function setCookie(n, v, e, p, d, s) { 
	var curCookie = n + '=' + escape(v) + 
		((e) ? '; expires=' + e.toGMTString() : '') + 
		((p) ? '; path=' + p : '') + 
		((d) ? '; domain=' + d : '') + 
		((s) ? '; secure' : ''); 
		document.cookie = curCookie; 
d=new Date(2005,01,28,6,21,14 PM);
setCookie('kbid','1001',d,false,false,false)" in document 1
	do JavaScript "function setCookie(n, v, e, p, d, s) { 
	var curCookie = n + '=' + escape(v) + 
		((e) ? '; expires=' + e.toGMTString() : '') + 
		((p) ? '; path=' + p : '') + 
		((d) ? '; domain=' + d : '') + 
		((s) ? '; secure' : ''); 
		document.cookie = curCookie; 
d=new Date(2005,01,28,6,21,14 PM);
setCookie('kbid','1001',d,false,false,false)" in document 1
	do JavaScript "unescape(document.cookie)" in document 1
		"kbid=1001; kbid=1001"
	display dialog "There was some problem resetting cookies..." with icon 0
		{button returned:"OK"}
end tell

I have the latest version of safari, 1.2 which I downloaded from apple’s site. You showed 1.2.4? Is that correct?

On any web site I go to that sets cookies I get the same result and the cookies are not deleted.

Why would it not work for you and not for me. I posted the error log I was getting here: