Closing a Safari tab

I searched everywhere including here for a way to close a tab. I have this code that should work:

tell application "Safari"
repeat with aWindow in windows
repeat with aTab in tabs of aWindow
if name of aTab is "Facebook" then
tell aTab to close
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell

I have a Facebook tab open and it doesn’t work, the code seemed to work when closing whole windows though.

I get this in the log:

But nothing actually happens!



See if you can adjust this, this is kind of a slow way to find a tab and close it, but it is the best I can do for now. :slight_smile:

tell application "Safari"
	set wins to every window whose visible is true
	repeat with awin in wins
		tell contents of awin
			set n to count tabs
			repeat with i from n to 1 by -1
				if name of tab i is "Facebook" then close tab i
			end repeat
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell

Thanks for replying! :slight_smile:

Same story :frowning:

Nothing happens!

My Answer on Stack Overflow :

tell application "Safari" to close (every tab of every window whose name = "Facebook")

McUsr … Does that work for you ?

This doesn’t work for me in Safari 6.0.5 on OSX 10.8.4. It errors out.

But this works:

set tabName to "Google"
tell application "Safari"
	tell (windows where its document is not missing value)
		set _tabs to tabs where its name is tabName
		repeat with ndx1 in _tabs
			repeat with ndx2 in ndx1
				close ndx2
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell


Yes, why shoudn’t it? But I should really have done it like Chris Stone. :slight_smile: That beeing said, I’m on Snow Leopard.

By the way here is a variation, that you can save as an applet, so that it checks your tab for duplicates now and then. (I’d never close a google page automatically. :slight_smile:
It does close, all the tabs of a certain name, but the first, if that tab is current. And you can set the LSUIElement key in the plist file to true, and add it to your login items, so it works totally in the background, -on very sparse resources.

-- post #6
property tabNames : {"Home", "NRK", "Hacker News", "BBC"}
# every word in this list has to be unique for good results
script removeDupTabs
	script o
		property l : {}
	end script
	local foundit
	set foundit to false
	local tabNamesWords
	tell application "Safari"
		set o's l to every window where its document is not missing value
		repeat with t from 1 to (count o's l)
			tell item t of o's l
				set n to count tabs
				repeat with i from n to 1 by -1
					set b to name of tab i of item t of o's l
					set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, " "}
					set sitename to first word of (name of tab i of item t of o's l as text) as list
					set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
					if sitename is in tabNames then
						if index of current tab of item t of o's l is i then
							if foundit then
								close tab i
								set foundit to true
							end if
							close tab i
						end if
					end if
				end repeat
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
end script
on run
	tell removeDupTabs to run
end run

on idle
	tell removeDupTabs to run
	return 900
end idle


This is a slight variation, to find out which tab are playing music, or showing a movie after reopening a session or something; it brings the windows with the search-text (youtube) to front, so you can pick and choose.

property stext : "youtube"
on run
	script o
		property l : {}
	end script
	local foundit
	set foundit to false
	tell application "Safari"
		set o's l to every window where its document is not missing value
		repeat with t from 1 to (count o's l)
			tell item t of o's l
				set n to count tabs
				repeat with i from n to 1 by -1
					if URL of tab i of item t of o's l contains stext or name of tab i of item t of o's l contains stext then
						tell tab i of item t of o's l to do JavaScript "self.focus()"
					end if
				end repeat
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
end run


There was a logical flaw in the stay-open in the background applet in post #6, for closing a certain tab there may be duplicates of, but it is fixed now. :slight_smile:

By the way, it seems like FireFox is going to be scriptable again at least what UI Scripting concerns.

I’m afraid neither worked :frowning:

The simple one adayzdone gave should work, no errors. But the tab stays open. The one with “ndx” from ccstone seems to be not working at all.

Clueless. Have you guys tested them on 10.8 with a Facebook tab?


If none of the answers to you works, then I’d try to disable some addons, and try again. Then there must be some other issues, particular to you.

Hey Richard,

In your original script you said tab name is ‘Facebook’. If I load up FB I get “(6) Facebook”

So lets try changing ‘is’ to ‘contains’:

set tabName to "Facebook"
tell application "Safari"
	tell (windows where its document is not missing value)
		set _tabs to tabs where its name contains tabName
		repeat with ndx1 in _tabs
			repeat with ndx2 in ndx1
				close ndx2
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

Nope neither did

tell application “Safari” to close (every tab of every window whose name contains “Facebook”)


This would never have happened in Warwickshire. :slight_smile:

I start to wonder what kind of output you get, if you

tell application "Safari" to name of every tab of every window


Does this work?

tell application "Safari" to close (every tab of every window whose URL contains "")

It isn’t happening in Warwickshire! :lol:

I’ve been trying to puzzle out what the problem is, but most of yours and Chris’s suggestions I’ve tried work perfectly here. With regard to the methods involving repeats, your count-down approach is the way to go, since the tabs are returned to the script and used by it as index references, so deleting any of them throws out the higher indices.

Otherwise I’m flummoxed. Maybe it would help if Richard told us how many and what windows he has open, how many of them contain how many tabs named “Facebook”, what version of Safari he’s using, what else is going on in the script, etc.

Excuse the many tabs! I’m revising :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry :frowning: Script runs fine with the tab still open.

Hahaha, yeah, it’s annoying. It’s one of those glorious extremely rare occasions where this is my Mac’s fault not mine (the dumb programmers)! :lol:

You have my tab list above. :slight_smile:


I see you have a couple of empty tabs there ( {} {} ), now, I wonder if that can have something to do with either windows, that aren’t visible, or windows whose document is missing value.
The next step is to just make a list of the tabs of those windows, and see if we can get a list of tabs that have names, because I expect the script to err out when it encounters tabs without names.

Could you please run this, and see if the ( {} {} ) goes away? (Hopefully it works for you, still on Snow Leopard.)

tell application "Safari"
	tell (every window whose visible is true and its document is not missing value)
		set thetabs to name of tabs
	end tell
end tell

It is ok, if they don’t go away, it is just unanticipated that they are there, after you have run the script above, but if they still are there, then we can circumvent the problem by

tell application "Safari"
	set wins to every window whose visible is true and its document is not missing value
	repeat with awin in wins
		tell contents of awin
			set n to count tabs
			repeat with i from n to 1 by -1
				if name of tab i is not missing value and name of tab i is "Facebook" then close tab i
			end repeat
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell

hopefully… :smiley: