Cutting, Pasting Quicktime selections

Hi All,
I received this very useful script from StefanK:

property TimeOffset : 10 – SMTPE starts often with 10:00:00:00¨¨
tell application "QuickTime Player"¨
tell document 1 to set {currentTime, timeScale, theDuration, FrameCount} to {current time, time scale, duration, count (frames of track “Video track”)}¨
end tell¨¨
set FrameRate to (FrameCount * timeScale) / theDuration div 1¨tell (currentTime / timeScale) to set {hr, mn, sc} to {it div hours, it mod hours div minutes, it mod hours mod minutes div 1}¨
set fr to (currentTime mod timeScale div (timeScale / FrameRate))¨
set SMPTE to addZero(TimeOffset + hr) & “:” & addZero(mn) & “:” & addZero(sc) & “:” & addZero(fr)¨display dialog "TCR " & SMPTE¨¨on addZero(v)¨
return text -2 thru -1 of (“0” & v)¨end addZero

This script gives me the cursor position, and displays the time code in a dialog.

I would like to achieve the following:
Get both the IN point of a selection and an out point.
To do so I guess all I need to do is open the film, change the cursor position and run the script twice.
I have two more goals in this scripting attempt:
a - be able to copy this selection and paste it in a film either a new one or an existing one creating a referenced file.
b - place the cursor anywhere in the film and paste there another sequence I can select either from the same film or from another one.

Is this possible?

As Mr. StefanK very good script only display the result in a dialogue box, I hope to be able to read the result so IO can copy it in a text file. Is there a way to get the result from the script to achievet this?

Thanks again

Browser: Safari 525.13
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)