Do JavaScript Problem

I’ve been successful inputing forms in many different websites using the same commands. But when I try to enter the phone number forms on:

open location “

Nothing happens.

Here’s my script:

tell application "Safari"
	open location ""
	set areaCode to "512"
	set phone1 to "555"
	set phone2 to "1234"
	delay 3
	do JavaScript "document.forms[0].phone1.value = \"" & areaCode & "\"" in document 1
	do JavaScript "document.forms[0].phone2.value = \"" & phone1 & "\"" in document 1
	do JavaScript "document.forms[0].phone3.value = \"" & phone2 & "\"" in document 1
	do JavaScript "document.forms[0].submit()" in document 1
end tell

I got the “name” for each text field from this html source code:

<input class='nice1' type='text' name='phone1' value='' size='3' maxlength='3' onkeyup='return autoTab(this,3,event);'><span class='text1'>-</span><input class='nice1' type='text' name='phone2' value='' size='3' maxlength='3' onkeyup='return autoTab(this,3,event);'><span class='text1'>-</span><input class='nice1' type='text' name='phone3' value='' size='4' maxlength='4' onkeyup='return autoTab(this,4,event);'>

But when I run the scipt, all it does is open the page. It doesn’t fill out any of the forms. Am I doing something wrong, or are there some websites that just won’t allow you do use Javascript to fill in forms?

Hi George,

on this site the index number of the requested form is 1

tell application "Safari"
	open location ""
	delay 1
	set areaCode to "512"
	set phone1 to "555"
	set phone2 to "1234"
	repeat until ((do JavaScript "document.readyState" in document 1) is "complete")
		delay 0.5
	end repeat
	do JavaScript "document.forms[1].phone1.value = \"" & areaCode & "\"" in document 1
	do JavaScript "document.forms[1].phone2.value = \"" & phone1 & "\"" in document 1
	do JavaScript "document.forms[1].phone3.value = \"" & phone2 & "\"" in document 1
	do JavaScript "document.forms[1].submit()" in document 1
end tell

Note: I added some lines to wait until the site has been loaded completely

wow, I feel kind of stupid now :slight_smile: That was simple.

Thanks, Stefank!