Download file through FTP site

Hi All,

I want to develope a script which automatic activate after 1 hr and download all files & folder.

Can I generate a program for it. One morething I want to tell you is that if script is allready running then it not executed at that time, becasue I think it make our system slow.

First it should be checked if any script is running or not, if running activate after 1 hr and not running activate after 1 hr.

Or I have second idea as any files are uploaded at FTP site it should be downloaded to desktop, but I think it is not the correct way.


Transmit is a very scriptable OS X application for FTP, SFTP, & webdav with a good AppleScript dictionary. You might have a look at that as the tool for your downloads.

Do you have some idea how should I start.


I have write few linnes but it is not working.

tell application “Transmit”
connect to “” as “RAJEEV” with password “716457”

end tell


The first item of testing is to make sure that you can accomplish what you want to do with Transmit directly. Then write an AppleScript to instruct Transmit to repeat the required process.

Yes I want to use Transmit.
