Opinions on this Script—Safari URL Piper

Can I get opinions on there being an easier way to do this?
I’ve set up a key-combo via Butler that pulls up this script from anywhere, no matter what I’m doing.

set getURL to display dialog "URL?" default answer "" buttons {"net", "org", "com"} default button 3
set theURL to text returned of getURL
set theDomain to button returned of getURL
if theURL begins with "http://www." then
	set theURL2 to theURL
else if theURL begins with "www." then
	set theUR2 to "http://" & theURL
	set theURL2 to "http://www." & theURL
end if
if theURL2 ends with ".com" or ".net" or ".org" then
	tell application "Safari"
		open location theURL2
	end tell
	tell application "Safari"
		open location theURL2 & "." & theDomain
	end tell
end if

The point is I can type in a URL and it pipes it to Safari, and pulls it open as the frontmost window.

If I just pipe the input straight into Safari, I get an error, so I
wrote the two “If” routines to handle some possible combinations.

Any feedback?

Welcome. :slight_smile:

How about this?

display dialog "URL?" default answer "" buttons {".net", ".org", ".com"} default button 3
set {text returned:theURL, button returned:theDomain} to result

-- Optional
if theURL is "" then set theURL to "http://www.google.com"

if theURL starts with "www." then
	set theURL to "http://" & theURL
else if theURL does not start with "http://www." then
	-- This isn't appropriate when you want to enter a sub-domain
	set theURL to "http://www." & theURL
end if

if (text -5 thru -1 of theURL) is not in {".com", ".net", ".org"} then
	-- This isn't appropriate for other domains
	set theURL to theURL & theDomain
end if

tell application "Safari"
	open location theURL
end tell


I’ve been learning as I go, so I"m sure most of my scripts are bad hacks. At least they work!

Thanks for the feedback!


Here’s another take, in case it’s of interest. The syntax correction noted near the end is essential! :slight_smile:

set getURL to (display dialog "URL?" default answer "" buttons {"net", "org", "com"} default button 3)
set {text returned:theURL, button returned:theDomain} to getURL

if ((count theURL) is 0) then error number -128 -- Exit if theURL is "". (In lieu of a "Cancel" button!)

-- This doesn't force a "www.", since not all domains begin with that. (This site, for instance.)
if (theURL does not start with "http://") then set theURL to "http://" & theURL

-- 'if.or.or.' syntax corrected.
if not ((theURL ends with ".com") or (theURL ends with ".net") or (theURL ends with ".org")) then
	set theURL to theURL & "." & theDomain
end if

tell application "Safari"
	open location theURL
end tell

Oops, I missed that. :rolleyes:

I edited my post to use this instead (just to be different):

if (text -4 thru -1 of theURL) is not in {".com", ".net", ".org"} then

Edit: Actually, I would change that part to something else:

display dialog "URL?" default answer "" buttons {".net", ".org", ".com"} default button 3
set {text returned:theURL, button returned:theDomain} to result

if theURL is "" then error number -128 -- cancel

if (offset of "." in theURL) is 0 then
	-- This works for other domains, as long as no subdomains are entered
	set theURL to theURL & theDomain
end if

if theURL starts with "www." then
	set theURL to "http://" & theURL
else if theURL does not start with "http://www." then
	set theURL to "http://www." & theURL
end if

tell application "Safari"
	open location theURL
end tell

Hey, Guys!


I think I’m gunna have to pick up an AppleScript Book (besides the ancient one I have on my shelf) or troll this site; that was all over my head, but I get parts of it.

Thanks again!
