Please help me with my first mac programming.

I would like to have a way to password protect the internet at my business computers. I have done a bit of research and can’t really find a good solutions. I have looked into applescript and after a whole 4 hours of self-training, came up with the following:

if text returned of (display dialog “Admin Only. Enter Safari password:” default answer “” buttons “OK” default button 1) is “password” then
tell application “Safari”
end tell
end if

The problem here is the multiple icons on the desktop. My employees will eventually get savvy and notice that they can add safari to the dock or desktop.:o

I tried masking the icon by changing the name of and calling the script app “Safari”. I also changed the script icon to match Safari. Now I have two icons and i figure that after a while they’ll notice this and access safari direct.

Unless there is a different solution you know, is there I way I can get around this?

I was wondering if there was a way to make the script app, have it rename and bring up safari, delete itself from the dock, then when safari quits, or the mac is restarted, have the script return itself to the dock?

I know I can setup different user accounts and deny access to the web; but at this point this is not something I think is viable for what I am trying to accomplish. This is why I am looking into this script.

Maybe I am making this to complicated. Wadda ya think?

:cool: The Cool One :cool:

You people Rock.

hmmm…this one would be tough to accomplish for sure because of the multiple icons

If you use a managed account you can set Safari to have Parental Control. Allowing you to add bookmarks to the sites you want to allow access to via your Admin password. IMO a much better solution.


if you don’t want them to have any access to the net.
trash all web browsers! extreme i know but it will work!
if you don’t want to delete them lock them in a password protected “.dmg”
not sure if this will work but use the terminal to hide the application by putting a “.” in front of its name!

edit: here’s another sneeky one. if you go into the network settings under proxies and type in a false I.P. address
then that will also stop any web pages from loading in.
this is probably the best actually and the less extreme, and internal intranet services etc. will probably still work!!