QT Player v7.0.3 -> New Audio Recording Volume

When I open a New Audio Recording in QuickTime Player v7.0.3, the volume is set to 0.

How can I up the volume, say halfway, in the New Audio Recording window using AppleScript? Thanks.

Addition: I’d also like to be able to minimize the window.

I don’t have anything to test this with.

tell application "QuickTime Player"
	new audio recording
	tell front movie to set sound volume to 128 -- 50%
	tell front window to set miniaturized to true
end tell

Unfortunately the following line does not adjust the volume – the rest of the code works perfectly:

tell front movie to set sound volume to 128 – 50%

Well, it works for a regular file.

Maybe this is a device-specific setting that you can change in System Prefences.