Hey all,
Does anyone have the following code handy?
- Specify a timecode “00:29:03” or whatever specified
- The player position goes to that time code
- If possible then plays from that position.
Hey all,
Does anyone have the following code handy?
thanks works great.
General Films Duration and TIME CODE are very different matters.
Time code is not HH:MM:SEC as it appears in this post but HH:MM:SEC;FR and includes the number of frames, as each second duration varies from 23.98 to 60 according to the standard, the country, the money of the film makers, when the film was shoot and more. Yet once converted to a Quicktime file TIME CODE will return the duration and the number of frames.
Please do not mix up duration and time code as they are very different and require different ways to calculate.
If we’re talking about real Time Code (SMPTE), use this
set SMTPE to "10:35:32:20"
set TimeOffset to 10
set {hr, mn, sc, fr} to words of SMTPE
tell application "QuickTime Player"
tell document 1
set {currentTime, timeScale, theDuration, FrameCount} to {current time, time scale, duration, count (frames of track "Video track")}
set FrameRate to (FrameCount * timeScale) / theDuration div 1
set current time to ((((hr as integer) - TimeOffset) * 3600 + mn * 60 + sc) * FrameRate + fr) * (timeScale / FrameRate)
end tell
end tell
Is there a way to read a text file where I type something like this:
in “0:05:12:20”
in order to tell quicktime to copy this selection
copy the selection
create a new movie
paste the selection
and save with the option to give it the name I need?
thank you very much. I am not really capable of using the Quicktime player dictionary
assuming that the in/out time codes in the text file are in this format
try this
global currentTime, timeScale, theDuration, FrameCount, FrameRate
set smpteFile to ((path to desktop as Unicode text) & "smpte.txt")
set theClips to paragraphs of (read file smpteFile)
set theMovie to choose file
tell application "QuickTime Player"
open theMovie
tell document 1
set {currentTime, timeScale, theDuration, FrameCount} to {current time, time scale, duration, count (frames of track "Video track")}
set FrameRate to (FrameCount * timeScale) / theDuration div 1
end tell
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to count theClips by 2
tell application "QuickTime Player"
tell document 1
set selection start to my GetTimeFromSMPTE(item i of theClips)
set selection end to my GetTimeFromSMPTE(item (i + 1) of theClips)
end tell
make new document
tell document 1
save it in (choose file name)
end tell
end tell
end repeat
on GetTimeFromSMPTE(SMTPE)
set {hr, mn, sc, fr} to words of SMTPE
return (((hr as integer) * 3600 + mn * 60 + sc) * FrameRate + fr) * (timeScale / FrameRate)
end GetTimeFromSMPTE