Is it possible to run safari in fullscreen mode? Or use applescript to hide menubar? Thanks
Edit: D’oh! I have Saft installed… This probably won’t work if Saft is not available.
If you have GUI scripting enabled, you can try this (tested on Safari 2.0.2 / Mac OS X 10.4.3):
tell application "Safari" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Safari"
keystroke "F" using command down
end tell
end tell
Hi Tom_X, screen resolution can be found using:
{word 3 of (do shell script "defaults read /Library/Preferences/ | grep -w Width") as number, ¬
word 3 of (do shell script "defaults read /Library/Preferences/ | grep -w Height") as number}
Adjust window size:
tell application "Safari" to set bounds of every window whose name is not "Downloads" to {0, 22, word 3 of (do shell script "defaults read /Library/Preferences/ | grep -w Width") as number, 3000}
When setting the bounds, the height of the window looks like it can be any large value, as it automatically adjust to stay within the contraints of the screen. Can anyone verify this not to be the case in certain apps or in earlier versions of OS X?
I tried use the code above. But it can only maximize the window. What I want is a fullscreen mode that will cover menubar and dock. Any ways to do it? Thanks again.
Tried that already. We are building a presentation in a CD that require kiosk mode. So I guess is not possible to use demoware.