Scripting Address Book

I need a little help writing a scripting addition for the rollover feature in Address Book. I have written a script for the address field that works well, a simplified version is as follows.

using terms from application "Address Book"
	on action property
		return "address"
	end action property
	on action title for p with e
		return "Open Safari"
	end action title
	on should enable action for p with e
		return true
	end should enable action
	on perform action for p with e
		tell application "Safari"
			set browser to make new document
		end tell
		return true
	end perform action
end using terms from

This script adds the command “Open Safari” to the pop up menu that appears when the address label is clicked. I have been unable to figure out the syntax for making this script work for the phone number fields. I assume that the on action property portion of the script is where this happens. I need to know the proper syntax for this portion of the script to make it work for the phone fields. I looked for an example script but was unable to find one. Does anyone out there know how to do this? Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.