Yet Another Newbie Question about String extraction

Hello there,

Sorry to bother you with such questions, but here is my problem.

My grand-uncle and grand-aunt have recently received their first mac. One of the main use will be genealogy. They use a *nix tool for that, and for the while, they have to use a xterm to launch a script, then have to use a web browser (with an address like http://localhost:portnumber/). But xterm is quite hard to use - just quitting is a mess. So I’d like to write a little script for them which will · Launch the shell script · Open a browser (say, Safari) at the right page So they just have to launch the AppleScript.

But I don’t want the script to open a thousand Safari window. Let’s say that it will firstly try find if a document is already on the right page, if not found, then try to find a document with no page laden, and if still not found, open a new document. It then load the right URL in the chosen window.

The problem is how to detect if a document’s URL is already right. If one’s URL is http://localhost:portnumber/a/long/but/nice/path/, I’d like the Script to make the window in front, without changing the UR nor opening a new window.

The current version is following.

do shell script "/Volumes/Documents/Users/dou/Documents/tst_script"

tell application "Safari"
	set gwserver to "http://localhost:631/" as string
	set search to true
	repeat with i from 1 to count each document
		if search then
			set current_document to item i of documents
			if not (exists URL of current_document) then
				set URL of current_document to gwserver
				set search to false
				-> string extraction would be great in the next line
				if URL of current_document = gwserver then
				set search to false
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
	if search then
		set current_document to make new document
		set URL of current_document to gwserver
	end if
end tell

Could you please help ? Thanks.

And sorry about the English, but, you know, we French have trouble with foreign languages… :oops:

This works here (not for tabs, of course):

set urlToSearchFor to ""

tell application "Safari"
		do JavaScript "self.focus()" in (first document whose URL is urlToSearchFor)
	on error
		make new document with properties {URL:urlToSearchFor}
	end try
end tell

I guess I wasn’t clear enough.

Here come an exemple. Let’s say were travelling on I’d like the script not to open a new window with URL

Still, thanks. Your code is much cleaner (and I’d have never guess that there was such features as first document whose…)

So, if you find a window whose domain is “” (eg, “”), you would like loading the “start page” in such window? (instead of specifically bringing to the front the window whose url is exactly “”) Eg:

set urlToSearchFor to "" 

tell application "Safari" 
      set theDoc to first document whose URL starts with urlToSearchFor
      do JavaScript "self.focus()" in theDoc --> bring to the front
      set url of theDoc to urlToSearchFor --> navigate to "start" page
   on error 
      make new document with properties {URL:urlToSearchFor} 
   end try 
end tell

Well, in fact, yes, because the server just has to be started once. I guess that if they use the script a second time, It’s because they’ll want to be back to the starting page.

But I’ll see that with somebody who knows the software.

Thank you and happy new year !